A meme I spent an embarrassingly long time putting together for a lightning talk on hardware #debuggers today. #CircuitPython
@april #Perl is spoiled for choice when it comes to interactive #debuggers. I wrote a two-part series about the built-in one:
• https://phoenixtrap.com/2021/03/09/perl-debugger-superpower/
• https://phoenixtrap.com/2021/07/06/perl-debugger-superpowers-part-2/
But you have alternatives:
• https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::ebug
• https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::Trepan
• https://metacpan.org/pod/Devel::hdb
And #REPLs for various execution models:
• https://metacpan.org/pod/Reply
• https://metacpan.org/pod/Carp::REPL
• https://metacpan.org/pod/Carp::Reply
• https://metacpan.org/dist/Eval-WithLexicals/view/bin/tinyrepl
• https://metacpan.org/pod/Plack::Middleware::REPL
• https://metacpan.org/pod/CatalystX::REPL
The video of my talk at JavaSummit is up! If you’ve ever been interested in how #Java #debuggers are created: https://youtu.be/4h47gsdo7o8 🤗
Good morning #Fediverse :fediverse: Hope you're all doing well with the influx from #TwitterMigration #JoinMastodon - in today's #Introduction #ConnectionList, I feature several accounts to help more richly and deeply connect us.
@theconversationau is The Conversation AU - an online publication that features writing by #academic #research folx, with an editorial spin to make it readily accessible. If you like #AcademicMastodon #HigherEd then you might like this account.
@biancadesanctis is a #PhD student at #CambridgeUniversity, where she's studying #population #genetics. Good luck with your PhD, Bianca!
@patrickdoupe is an #economist who works with #algorithms focusing on #CausalInference. Bae! I mean, Bayes 😄
@dangerousmeredith is Meredith and she's an amazing #writer and #creative. Find her substack at https://dangerousmeredith.substack.com
@yarden is a #SoftwareEngineer who works mostly with #debugging and #debuggers 🐜
@Harishjosev is interested in #cybernetics and #SystemsTheory, and writes about things like #emergence.
@alangould is Alan, and I used to work with him in a previous life. He's lovely - a quiet, gentle soul. You should follow him.
That's it today, don't forget to share your own #FollowFriday #ConnectionList ❤️
(Edited to remove different Lex Friedman account, I didn't realise it was a different account)
#fediverse #twittermigration #joinmastodon #introduction #connectionlist #academic #research #academicmastodon #highered #phd #cambridgeuniversity #population #genetics #economist #algorithms #causalinference #writer #creative #softwareengineer #debugging #debuggers #cybernetics #systemstheory #emergence #followfriday
Chrome devtools is, these days, a fairly good debugger. (now that Chrome is one of the most popular programs in the world, and one of the biggest software companies in the world has been pushing people to develop for it for the last ten years).
PyCharm is the best Python debugger I've had the pleasure of using, and it's pretty decent too.
Neither of them has some of the useful features standard in ddd+gdb.
#programming #debuggers #pycharm #devtools #ddd