Now 10 people can dance on party Yacht. But also do other things. Watching my Big City Life videos inside on screen or just hang out on Lounger or in pool on Yacht.
Now I start to make the cabines with bedroom animations. 6 of the 10 AVsitters will have then the options to have sex in cabines. I hope all is working how I think. lol
But you should be prepared to have 4 pages in blue menu full with sit positions and animations. A lot to click then lol
Pity that you can't do it with physical yacht and only with AVsitters to do all things on yacht while floating around the whole sim. But in OS we have to take what we get.
Torture Ship is gone from Decadence sim. But now there is a Party Yacht. Plenty of AV sitters for party and cuddle inside. This Yacht drives around the whole sim and enough people can have party on deck or inside. There are also bedrooms if you like privacy lol
The Torture Ship had never a route script to float around and was just fixed at Promenade Jetty. But with this Yacht we can have party while floating around on the sim. Already 4 people can dance on forward Deck and will also add NPCs for more crowded party lol
There might be factors avoiding #InterstellarTravel đ such as #decadence causing a #dysgenic #evolution, as described in #Idiocracy *
#interstellartravel #decadence #dysgenic #evolution #idiocracy
Le retour du travail des enfants est le dernier signe du déclin des Etats-Unis.
Les vantardises sur la puissance et la richesse de lâĂ©conomie des Etats-Unis font partie du systĂšme de croyances et de la rhĂ©torique des Ă©lites. Cependant, lâespĂ©rance de vie aux Etats-Unis, mesure fondamentale de la rĂ©gression sociale, ne cesse de diminuer depuis des annĂ©es. Les soins de santĂ© sont non seulement inabordables pour des millions de personnes, mais leur qualitĂ© est devenue au mieux mĂ©diocre si lâon nâappartient pas au 1% supĂ©rieur. De mĂȘme, les infrastructures du pays sont depuis longtemps en dĂ©clin, en raison de leur Ăąge et de dĂ©cennies de nĂ©gligence.
#Politique #etatsunis #decadence
DĂ©cadences - Des luttes et des chutes | ARTE
> Au travers de la décadence, Wilfried Hauke décrypte la profonde crise de civilisation en cours.
#decadence #philosophie #seance21h
There is good news, good news, good news, and good news.
#bikeTooter #OxfordComma #decadence
#BikeTooter #oxfordcomma #decadence
Watching concert in cinema đ
on #decadence sim on decadence grid đ in #opensim
Now you get also real concert screens as if it is from recording life on concert.
In the video for songs it will be fantastic.
On the sim you can watch and hear it with mediaplayer inworld too
on #bigcitylife sim and on #decadence sim.
On Decadence sim in the cinema on promenade and also at the beach on stage
#bigcitylife #decadence #opensim
last night's #ccru research
first encounter with the spirit of #Decadence (the card game)
yielding: spell graphs;
numerological diagrammatics;
influence tracking
i got new revealing dress for petite đ And new clutch matching to it đ
With Cassiopia heels in white I hope Jimmy will make a new animesh model for the fashion week.
You get this dress in black and red in petite shop of #Grimm on #decadence Grid
I think I make again an ensemble with matching clutch and heels.
This dress is only wearable for petite bodies. Looks also best without boobs. This dress is for models with small breasts
Big City Life - A million dreams
You can also go to my second home from Big City Life to Decadence. And also a space station. But this is not in this video.
My favorite car now is my Tesla Model S đ
#bigcitylife #opensim #decadence #virtualreality #metaverse
2.30 min fashion week in better quality than before.
Still reduced to 18 MB, 15 Fps, 540 pt but RF 24,5
Now chatterbox is on and presenter tells what the models wear. Will change it. You get all outfits then at #grimm on #decadence grid
Tried to catch 12 models while they randomly walk the catwalk on 3 routes. Try to make it perfect with synchronizing and individual walks.
Video made with midnight environment and have with my MacBook Air M1 and emulator Rosetta for Firestorm pretending to be an Intel computer still 15 Fps on the sim to make this movie.
All people you see are animesh. (But me) All people have animations.
Music 2.30 min React feat. Ella Henderson
#grimm #decadence #bigcitylife #opensim #metaverse #virtualreality
3 min Fashion Week with music reduced to 10 MB with 15 Fps and 540 pt and RF 32.
Chatterbox is off for video and tried to catch 12 models while they randomly walk the catwalk on 3 routes. Try to make it perfect with synchronizing and individual walks. But it is trial and error to change delay times for route notecard on 3 different routes. But is perhaps randomly better.
You get all dresses at #Grimm mall on #decadence grid.
Music 3 min React feat. Ella Henderson
#grimm #decadence #bigcitylife #opensim
Describe #waste, #decadence and #exploitation: #Disney, wait a minute, we've got something.
Disney Parks Around The World â A Private Jet Adventure | Adventures By Disney
$114,995 đ€Ż
>Explore 9 cities in 24 days on this experience only Disney could provide. Get exclusive access to extraordinary opportunities that aren't available to the general public.
#waste #decadence #exploitation #disney
Surely, such a civilisation canât long endure.
How to Hire a Pop Star for Your Private Party | The New Yorker
Now you get more epub books in the book shops in Airport on #bigcitylife and #decadence in #opensim
Jimmy found now books of Edgar Rice Buroughs and we watched movie Princess of Mars which was written already 1911.
I guess Dune and Star Wars was inspired by the books of Buroughs who also wrote Tarzan.
#bigcitylife #decadence #opensim
Le président de la #BBC, proche de Boris Johnson, forcé à la démission
Richard Sharp avait facilitĂ© un prĂȘt personnel Ă lâancien premier ministre britannique, qui lâavait ensuite nommĂ© au sommet de lâaudiovisuel public. Il nâavait jamais mentionnĂ© lâexistence de ce coup de pouce.
#decadence #uk #droit #dictadure #presse #bbc
Cybercrime: be careful what you tell your chatbot helperâŠ
Alluring and useful they may be, but the AI interfacesâ potential as gateways for fraud and intrusive data gathering is huge â and is only set to grow
#privacy #robots #society #HumanSpecies #decadence
Decadence ?
Wallace Collection
#HertfordHouse #manchestersquare #London
#art #heritage #londonart #wallace #collection #wallacecollection #artphotography #londonphotography #londonphotographer #artphotographer #style #artwork #arts #architecture #interiorarchitecture #gallery #artgallery #londongallery #painting #furniture #paintings #craftmanship
#nikon #z6ii #nikkor #24-70S
#decadence #gold #Sculpture #Statue
#hertfordhouse #manchestersquare #london #art #heritage #londonart #wallace #COLLECTION #WallaceCollection #artphotography #londonphotography #londonphotographer #artphotographer #style #artwork #arts #architecture #interiorarchitecture #Gallery #artgallery #londongallery #painting #furniture #paintings #craftmanship #nikon #z6ii #nikkor #decadence #Gold #sculpture #statue