Arthur Schnitzler’s 1926 novel Traumnovelle (AKA Dream Story) was the basis for Stanley Kubrick’s film Eyes Wide Shut. Quite similar to the film (including a conspiracy theory angle). A must-read for fans of Kubrick or of decadent fiction.
My review:
#decadentfiction #arthurschnitzler #stanleykubrick
The Devil is a Woman (1935), the last Josef von Sternberg film starring Marlene Dietrich. Based on Pierre Louÿs' superb 1898 decadent novel The Woman and the Puppet.
This film is an expression of von Sternberg’s uncompromising aesthetic principles. Substance doesn't matter, because the style IS the substance.
One of the greatest movies of all time.
My review:
#JosefvonSternberg #MarleneDietrich #classicmovies #FilmMastodon #PierreLouys #decadence #decadentfiction
#JosefVonSternberg #MarleneDietrich #classicmovies #FilmMastodon #pierrelouys #decadence #decadentfiction
The Sapphire Goddess collects all of Nictzin Dyalhis’s stories that appeared in Weird Tales from 1925 to 1940.
His best stories are stories of love and revenge, erotically charged and with just a dash of the decadence of Clark Ashton Smith.
Very much worth reading.
My review:
#NictzinDyalhis #WeirdTales #pulpfiction #pulpmagazines #weirdfiction #litteraturefantastique #ClarkAshtonSmith #decadence #decadentfiction #horrorfiction #horror #fantasyfiction #fantasy
#nictzindyalhis #weirdtales #pulpfiction #pulpmagazines #weirdfiction #litteraturefantastique #clarkashtonsmith #decadence #decadentfiction #horrorfiction #horror #fantasyfiction #fantasy
The Poseidonis and interplanetary stories, two of Clark Ashton Smith's lesser known story cycles.
The Poseidonis tales take pace in the remnant of Atlantis. More or less sword-and-sorcery tales, but unconventional.
The interplanetary stories were as close as Smith got to sci-fi.
Lush, decadent, brilliant.
My review:
#ClarkAshtonSmith #weirdfiction #WeirdTales #scifi #fantasyfiction #atlantis #swordandsorcery #swordandplanet #decadent ##decadentfiction
#clarkashtonsmith #weirdfiction #weirdtales #scifi #fantasyfiction #atlantis #swordandsorcery #swordandplanet #decadent #decadentfiction