I'm starting a new monthly (online) alternate history game!!! I love that initial planning phase, moving historical pieces into place and working with the players to integrate their characters! Then adding in the weirdness! #TTRPG #DecadeofGaming
T-23 days until #FalloutNewVegasRelentless session 2! It’ll be a full house for their first moves and encounters with the different factions! I'm psyched! #DecadeofGaming
#falloutnewvegasrelentless #decadeofgaming
Thanks to everyone that took the time to help me figure this out! The final vote is for #Bladerunner with #RuneQuest a distant second! I will read through the two winners and decide which one to run next month. Back to the shelf for now The One Ring and SLA. #DecadeofGaming
#bladerunner #runequest #decadeofgaming
I'm potentially running a two-player, one-shot (maybe reoccurring) game in April. Which one of these four should it be? I've wanted to run them all and have yet to. #DecadeofGaming
I'm going to run a mini-fantasy campaign this year and have narrowed it down to #ShadowoftheDemonLord or #RuneQuest. I've heard great things about both of them and doing a side-by-side reading. #DecadeofGaming
#ShadowoftheDemonLord #runequest #decadeofgaming