Die BAFA-Kaufprämie von 25% für gewerbliche E-Lastenräder und E-Anhänger soll über Februar 2024 hinaus verlängert werden. Das berichtet das Manager Magazin: https://www.manager-magazin.de/unternehmen/industrie/lastenfahrraeder-der-boom-die-zuschuesse-die-zukunft-a-dd11b974-3e53-45c1-b0a6-ab097329dfe1
@cargobikes4all: #Lastenräder könnten in der Stadt bis zur Hälfte der mit einem Auto erledigten Gütertransporte ersetzen. Das muss der Staat stärker fördern: durch eine ausreichend dimensionierte Radverkehrsinfrastruktur und größere Kaufanreize.
#lastenrader #decadeofthecargobike #cargobikes #verkehrswende
Cargo bike boogie time! 🎼🪕
“Gimme a cargo bike”
🇬🇭🌍Fourth in the Perspectives: First & Last Mile series, in partnership with @BYCS_org, is an interview with Valerie Labi - CEO of MANA Mobility.
⚡️🚲In it, Valerie explains how #cargobikes can bridge Ghana's "connectivity gap”.
#cargobikes #decadeofthecargobike
❌❌❌ City of Amsterdam unveils plans to increase on-street shared cargo bikes
Numbers to rise from 110 to 750 cargo bikes, with potential for up to 1250 spread across the city in shared mobility hubs.
#decadeofthecargobike #cargobikeshare
5 months into my job at Cycle Sprog I'm so happy to be able to write about #cycling with kids for a living 😍
#decadeofthecargobike #cargobike #ukcyclingtweeps #ukcycling #BikeTooter
#cycling #decadeofthecargobike #cargobike #UKCyclingTweeps #UKcycling #BikeTooter
Pakketten worden bezorgd en opgehaald door #velocity #fietskoeriers / #dhl bij het #Radboudumc in #nijmegen met een #velove armadillo.
#velocity #fietskoeriers #dhl #RadboudUMC #nijmegen #veLove #decadeofthecargobike
🚲📦🎉 @cargobikefest announces 2023 dates and co-location with @FullyChargedShw LIVE Europe.
🇳🇱⚡️ #ICBF2023 will take place on 24-26th November at @RAI_Amsterdam.
ℹ️💡 Here's what you need to know ⏩ https://cargobikefestival.com/news/icbf-announces-2023-dates/
#icbf2023 #decadeofthecargobike #stopburningstuff
RT @cargobikefest@twitter.com
🪛🪑 Following a pilot in Delft, NL, @IKEA@twitter.com is giving stores around the world the possibility to offer solar-powered #cargobike deliveries.
☀️🚲📦 The SunRider can carry ~90% of IKEA products + emits 98% less CO2 than diesel vans.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cargobikefest/status/1614573031094980608
#cargobike #decadeofthecargobike
Osamede Obayuwana of TFS Cargo Bicycles in Nigeria talks about cargo bicycles as a sustainable tool for socio-economic development in Africa.
#decadeofthecargobike #cargobike #cargotrike #nigeria #africa
#decadeofthecargobike #cargobike #cargotrike #nigeria #africa
TIL: daily, more than 1000 Amazon parcels are delivered by cargo bikes In Brussels center (“Pentagon”).
I bet we’ll see this volume - compared to diesel vans - only grow in the coming months and years as Brussels and other cities around Europe will také sweeping actions to clear both the van clogged streets and polluted air.
Barcelona so called delivery van tax set to be introduced in 2023 (subject to final approval) is only a starting point.
#cargobike #micromobility #decadeofthecargobike
Seems like an #introduction is needed here, so:
Hi! I'm Dave from Toronto. You may know me from such accounts as @ DaveLikesBikes and @ BikeTO on Twitter, and Toronto Cycle Chic on Instagram. I'm also co-owner and Director of Ops for nrbi, an e-cargo bike delivery company located here in Toronto
Who knows if this is where we'll all end up, but if love to connect here with others from #BikeTwitter. If you know me, a RT is appreciated!
#introduction #biketwitter #biketo #bikes4climate #lastmile #decadeofthecargobike
Separate routes for regular bicycles and for cargo bikes. #bakfiets #cargobike #lastenrad #decadeofthecargobike
#decadeofthecargobike #lastenrad #cargobike #bakfiets