Deer coffee lovers
Do you know some good decaf? I live in france, maybe it gives some help to answer, but I'm really looking for a good one.
I've seen that "onyx coffee" is really nice, but quite expensive.
Any boost or help welcomed.
Happy Friday ~
#pretty #day #seventies #sunny #sneak #out #NYC #enjoy #some #friday #today #NewYorkCity #chocolate #cake & #decaf for #brekkie a #good #indicator
#pretty #day #seventies #sunny #sneak #out #nyc #enjoy #SOME #friday #Today #newyorkcity #chocolate #cake #decaf #brekkie #good #indicator
But first, coffee.
OK, it's #decaf, but my body is unpredictable with caffeine - sometimes perfect focus, sometimes all over the place and feeling like I want to claw my skin off.
Today we have RAVE coffee's Swiss Water Blend 11. A solid contender for a decaf.
I've got some Welsh decaf waiting for me that I've never tried before, so I'm trying to get through this as quickly as I can.
And yes, that is a boob mug, thank you for noticing.
Today’s #decaf coffee is from Verve in Santa Cruz. It’s better than the last one I got from them.
It’s also fresher than my last few internet order bags. You can see the difference when doing a bloom pour. And smells.
Ps. This is my dog badger. He’s a good dog.
Si alguien como yo que padece de acidez/reflujo estomacal y le gusta tomar #café ☕, infórmate qué el café empeora el problema de estomago. No toleré cambiar completamente a café descafeinado. Mi solución? Empecé a mezclar café regular con #decaf 3-1 cucharadas. Luego 2-2, y ahora estoy 1 de regular y 3 se Decaf. La acidez a reducido significantemente.
Why does the decaf never taste as good to me? Even when it's good quality. Coffee or tea. Can I actually taste the caffeine, or can my brain associate the caffeine hit with a drink, such that, after I've had the decaf a couple of times IT KNOWS and tells me it's not as tasty? 😂
Has anyone studied this?
(And I say this as a person who has a long history of both loving tea and coffee and having a low caffeine tolerance.)
Just came out of an hour-and-a-half meeting about our new incident portal (help desk ticketing system), & I kept yawning. Finally I turned off my camera & snuck out to get a cup of caffeine (I'm usually a decaf kind of guy); it worked.
#hazlenut #coffee #cream #sugar #usually #black #strong #like #my #men - #airplane #reference | #gave #up #caffeinated; #decaf #java #for my #ticker | #help #desk #portal #incident #ticketing #system #information #technology #law #firm #WTC #7WTC #NYC #NewYorkCity
#hazlenut #coffee #cream #sugar #usually #black #strong #like #my #men #airplane #reference #gave #up #caffeinated #decaf #Java #for #ticker #help #desk #portal #incident #ticketing #system #information #technology #law #firm #wtc #7wtc #nyc #newyorkcity
I got this because my regular brand is out of stock.
This can’t be decaffeinated 🫨
Send help!
There's a study that shows #decaf coffee can help reduce caffeine withdrawal symptoms.
We're out of #decaf #coffee for general sale currently but we're expecting more in early June 2023.
Back order here:
Our decaf beans are exactly same specialty beans as caffeinated beans.
To #decaffeinate a coffee bean a process of CO2 & water to wash away the #caffeine. Essentially fizzy water!
Decaf is great as an #evening drinking especially if avoiding #alcohol but fancy something nice. Zero calories too if you drink black (which you can do with our coffee).
#decaf #Coffee #decaffeinate #caffeine #evening #alcohol
As I switch to less caffeine, I'm discovering that most roasters only provide #decaf in pre-ground packages, not whole beans. This is a bummer, since I'm premixing to get to half-caf.
As an aside, I've been sleeping *dramatically* better since the switch to half-caf. I never drank #coffee past 9 am, but even so I used to wake up every night at around 2:30, and not be able to get back to sleep for an hour or more.
Next step is to switch to quarter-caf.
As I switch to less caffeine, I'm discovering that most roasters only provide #decaf in pre-ground packages, not whole beans. This is a bummer, since I'm premixing to get to half-caf.
As an aside, I've been sleeping *dramatically* better since the switch to half-caf. I never drank coffee past 9 am, but even so I used to wake up every night at around 2:30, and not be able to get back to sleep for an hour or more.
Next step is to switch to quarter-caf.
50th Street, southbound C train platform was PACKED this a.m., E train delays. But I lucked out completely & a C arrived in three minutes, got me to Chambers right quick & I got to the top of seven world trade in time for decaf & water before my morning meeting w/ my boss.
#NYC #7WTC #WorldTradeCenter #subway #commuter #train #delays #today #decaf #coffee #morning #meeting #big #boss
#nyc #7wtc #worldtradecenter #subway #Commuter #train #delays #Today #decaf #coffee #morning #meeting #big #boss
New freshly roasted #coffee and some #decaf delivered to Moonko. Check it out Division Street #Sheffield
Back at my desk, quietly working, and who do I hear? Certainly not the fresh fruit. No, all I hear is the blueberry crumb cake, calling my name...
#NYC #7WTC #WorldTradeCenter #cafeteria #crumb #cake as #big as #your #head & #drizzle #icing #yum w/ #iced #java #coffee #decaf #hump #day #today
#nyc #7wtc #worldtradecenter #cafeteria #crumb #cake #big #your #head #drizzle #icing #yum #iced #Java #coffee #decaf #hump #day #Today
Does anyone have any decaf recommendations? Ideally should be available in India.
Want to try experimenting with decaf as I feel the caffeine content of coffee is triggering my acidity.
Haven't had coffee in almost two months probably.
I haven been drinking a lot of green tea and chai, but something is missing... 😩
Good Morning, Fediverse! :fediverse:
This morning's :vivaldi_red: coffee is Kirkland Signature House Decaf, from Costco.
Have a great day!
#Coffee #CoffeesOfMastodon #HouseDecaf #Decaf #Costco #KirklandSignature #VivaldiBrowser
#coffee #coffeesofmastodon #housedecaf #decaf #costco #vivaldibrowser #kirklandsignature
#Decaf at the ready, #SG1 on in the background and time to write my #dissertation and get that cursed #BachelorDegree done and over with!
#decaf #sg1 #dissertation #bachelordegree