Hail unto thee, EPIKhNAUS, masked man of secrets, 3rd of Capricorn, 30th of the Decans of the Firmament!
Yet another of my decanic images; maybe less baroque than some of the other folks in this line. #decans #astrology
The Egyptian Dekans
“In his polemical work against Christianity, written in 178, the #Greek #philosopher Celsus wrote that according to the Egyptians every part of the human body has been put under the charge of 36 daemons or heavenly gods, whose names are invoked in times of sickness in order to treat the sufferings of their subordinate parts.
#Celsus assuredly is referring to the #decans (Gk. δεκανός)."
See image for more.
#ancientmagic #Egyptian #astronomy #ancient #Gliedervergottung
#greek #philosopher #celsus #decans #AncientMagic #egyptian #astronomy #ancient #gliedervergottung
To everyone interested in the #Egyptian #decans
Here is a good overview of them and the existent research given by Theresa Ainsworth, A Timeline of the Decans: From Egyptian Astronomical Timekeeping to Greco-Roman Melothesia (2018)
#ancientmagic #astronomy #medical #astrology #melothesia #pseudoepigrapha #ancient #magic
#egyptian #decans #AncientMagic #astronomy #medical #astrology #melothesia #pseudoepigrapha #ancient #magic
From a #Coptic #spell for a good #singing voice:
"Yak Meiak Semiak, the three #decans mighty in their power, who stand over the bed of the tree of life:
Give sweetness to my throat! I am Severus, son of Anna. Now, now, at once, at once, now, now, now!"
7th century
London Oriental Manuscript 6794
London, British Library
#coptic #spell #singing #decans #AncientMagic #manuscript #ancient #egypt #Egyptology
Bastet is a famous ancient #Egyptian goddess in the shape of a lioness or with a lion head and later as a cat or as a woman with a cat head.
#Bastet was the protectress against evil and the goddess of fertility and motherhood. Especially women and children were under her care.
The figures decorating the base of the #throne in the image are associated with the #decans ...
See image for more information.
Bastet on a throne
~1070–664 BC
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 44.4.19
#egyptian #bastet #throne #decans #AncientMagic