@DrBiscuit Seo Gàidhlig (na h-Alba). Tha Gaeilge à Èirinn. Ach tha iad gu math coltach.
Est ce que vous avez vu #DiCatairne ou #DéCathairn? C' est là que vous trouviez la majorité des chats + Gàidhlig et Gaeilge
Happy #Caturday from David and Alexis! He’s celebrating by interrupting yet another of her photo shoots #CatsOfMastodon #DéCathairn
#caturday #catsofmastodon #decathairn
If the top of her head looks a little spiky, it’s because he just did her hair. Now she’s giving him a kiss on the cheek ❤️ #CatsOfMastodon #DéCathairn #Caturday
#catsofmastodon #decathairn #caturday
'S e #DiCatairne a th' ann a-rithist. Seo cat a thachair mi ris anns an t-seann bhaile Le Mans, san Fhraing.
C'est #chatmedi encore, alors voici un chat que j'ai rencontré dans le vieux Mans.
It's #Caturday, here's a cat I met in Le Mans.
#mastocait #decathairn #dyddcathwrn #caturday #chatmedi #dicatairne
Tha mi ag ionndrainn mo bhràthair-cat am bliadhna seo, mar sin seo esan air Là na Nollaige an-uiridh, le tàidh-bogha na Nollaige air. 'S e fìor-bhodach a th' ann, tha e 19 a-nis. #DiCatairne
Missing seeing my cat-brother this year, so here he is in his Christmas bow last year. At 19, he's a real bodach. #Caturday
#mastocait #catsofmastodon #decathairn #dyddcathwrn #caturday #dicatairne
'S e #DiCatairne a th' ann! Seo #piseag na cadal air mo ghàirdean ann an taigh-seinnse ann am Bristol, Sasainn (Dàmh. 2015).
It's #Caturday! Here's a pub #kitten sleeping on my arm a few years ago.
C' est #Chatmedi, alors voici un #chaton qui se repose sur mon bras dans un pub en Angleterre il y a plusieurs années.
#DyddCathwrn #DéCathairn #CathodMastodon #MastoCait #katze #Ságato
#SaGATO #katze #mastocait #CathodMastodon #decathairn #dyddcathwrn #chaton #chatmedi #kitten #caturday #piseag #dicatairne
Tha mi fuar an-diugh, mar sin seo cat blàth ri taobh an teine an-uiridh airson #DiCatairne
Feeling the cold today, so here's my cat-brother looking warm by the fire last year for #Caturday
Dw i'n oer heddiw, felly dyma gath ddwym #DyddCathwrn
#catsofmastodon #chatmedi #decathairn #dyddcathwrn #caturday #dicatairne
'S e #DiCatairne a th' ann an-diubh! Seo an cat ceudna a bha aig a' Phriòireachd Eilean Ì, air an rathad a-nis. Tha mi a' smaoineachadh nach robh i glè thoilichte a bhith san dealbh agam.
It's #Caturday for real today. Here's the same cat from Iona Priory in yesterday's post, now on the road and possibly not that happy to be posing for pics.
#DéCathairn #Chatmedi #HistoryCats #CatsOfMastodon
#catsofmastodon #historycats #chatmedi #decathairn #caturday #dicatairne
“She was talking to the Irish people on the computer at five in the morning. Again. The nerve of this woman.”
Guess what, buddy? We only have to do this one more time! My final (truly final!) exams are in two weeks ☘️ #DéCathairn #CatsOfMastodon
Weekend #MastoFoclóir is celebrating #Caturday #DéCathairn and early #MonDog with pets!
Bhí cat ag mo mháthair - My mother had a cat
Kit ab ainm dó - His name was Kit
Tá madra agam - I have a dog
Mel is ainm di - Her name is Mel
Is aoibhinn léi bheith ag ithe - She loves to eat
ag súgradh - playing
ag siúl - walking
ag rith i ndiaidh iora - running after a squirrel
Tugann faoileán cuairt orm - A seagull visits me
Thug mé Albert air - I called him Albert
#mastofocloir #caturday #Mondog #irish #gaeilge #decathairn
no a bheil sin #DiCatairne ? Agus #DéCathairn airson MastoDaoine na h-Èireann? Chan eil mi cinnteach. Tha cat brèagha ann co-dhiù.
#DéCathairn sona daoibh, a chairde!
Happy #Caturday to all!
#decathairn #caturday #catsofmastodon
We bought a new bed for Lola in Penneys. It came in a big bag.
#DéCathairn #Caturday #CatsOfMastadon
#decathairn #caturday #catsofmastadon
I've just seen @Olaindeach use #DiCatairne (Gaidhlig) and now I'm wondering what the Gaeilge would be. #DéCathairn?