Delicious Butterscotch Pie from Coney McKane's here in #DecaturIL .
I had a gift certificate Inhad almoat forgotten about that my Aunt and Uncle gave me that expired today. (They moved out of state and didn't need it)
#ProjectILHome a bounding box consisting of I-74 to the north, the #illinoisriver to the west, the all important state line to the east, and I-70 to the south.
Those aren’t hard lines, #champaignurbana area north of 74 is just fine for example, but it covers CU, #BloomingtonIL and #NormalIL , #peoria , #springfieldil , #decaturil, and #EffinghamIl (and Charleston and such).
#projectilhome #illinoisriver #champaignurbana #bloomingtonil #normalil #peoria #springfieldil #decaturil #effinghamil