Have You Been VERY Good?
You're getting an Advent Calendar anyway!
What will it contain... Books? Chocolate?
Flammables? Irreverence? Tinsel? Wit?
All gifts at #NewberryLibrary
#December1 #Day1
2020-21 Advent Calendar threads here:
#adventcalendar2022 #NewberryLibrary #december1 #day1
It’s my birthday today. I wasn’t going to post about it until I saw that @msprout is celebrating a bday today too. So now I’m curious. Who else has a birthday today?
December 1 birthday buddies unite!
#birthday #december1 #saggitarius #celebrate
#birthday #december1 #saggitarius #celebrate
Welcome to December, Mastodon. Here is your annual reminder that the late, great, Sir Christopher Lee recorded an album of heavy metal Christmas songs. And if you are just discovering this for the first time today? Enjoy...
#December1 #Christmas #MerryChristopherLee #ChristopherLee #NoSeriouslyThisHappened
#december1 #christmas #MerryChristopherLee #ChristopherLee #NoSeriouslyThisHappened
#HIV and #AIDS still exists. It’s not a gay disease. Let’s have compassion and more research forward toward a cure. #worldaidsday #december1
#hiv #aids #worldaidsday #december1
December??? Already?! God, I miss Halloween, can people send me some inspiration on ways to spookify my Christmas - make the season jollier. 😈
#Halloween #Christmas #December1 #December
#Halloween #christmas #december1 #december
Leila the elf is back on the shelf for another year. By the way, not that impressed with the quality of these elves considering the price. #elfontheshelf #christmas #december1
#elfontheshelf #christmas #december1
December is here, panic stations as Christmas gets closer… If you are looking for a gift for young children my picture book is available online with major retailers worldwide…
#picturebook #christmas #december1 #christmasgifts #childrensbooks #books
#picturebook #christmas #december1 #christmasgifts #childrensbooks #books
Writing is like my coffee. If I don't have any, I go crazy.
― Khali Raymond
#quoteoftheday #coffeequote #december1