Once more, the #Sun ☀️ has reached the lowest point of its yearly trek through the sky as seen from the Northern Hemisphere. From now on, the days will get longer again. (Of course, the opposite holds true in the Southern Hemisphere.)
#Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2kLCyVp
The photo is actually from late February, but it catches the mood very well.
#summersolstice #WinterSolstice #decembersolstice #Solstice #flickr #sun
Once more, the #Sun ☀️ has reached the lowest point of its yearly trek through the sky as seen from the Northern Hemisphere. From now on, the days will get longer again. (Of course, the opposite holds true in the Southern Hemisphere.)
#Flickr https://flic.kr/p/2kLCyVp
The photo is actually from late February, but it catches the mood very well.
#summersolstice #WinterSolstice #decembersolstice #Solstice #flickr #sun
#DecemberSolstice #Wintersolstice 1 hour 10 minutes from now.
#decembersolstice #wintersolstice
I suppose, especially given the potentially #global social context of this platform, really be calling it #DecemberSolstice, rather than #WinterSolstice. I definitely have friends and contacts for whom today is the #SummerSolstice. I mean, I guess there's just calling it #Solstice, too, and relying on general timing to determine.
#global #decembersolstice #wintersolstice #summersolstice #solstice #overthinking
Today marks the December Solstice. In the Southern Hemisphere, it's the Summer Solstice where it's the longest period of daylight of the year. However, in the Northern Hemisphere, it's the Winter Solstice, the longest period of darkness of the year. #Decembersolstice
Ab heute werden die Tage im #Neanderland wieder länger: Übersicht für’s nächste Jahr.
(Uhrzeiten berechnet für den Fundort des Neanderthalers)
#WinterSonnenwende #DecemberSolstice #Python #Matplotlib #Skyfield
#Neanderland #wintersonnenwende #decembersolstice #python #matplotlib #skyfield
@mjmickm8 @missmelanieh Hah! If you wanted _real_ pedantry, try going into the differences between days in apparent solar time, mean solar time, siderial time, and atomic time. (-:
#leapseconds #astronomy #Chronometry #decembersolstice
December solstice is on Wednesday, 21 December 2022 at 21:48 UT, which is 16:41 EST the same day. Yes, it's supposedly still fall right now. 😂 Enjoy your last few days of it. #astronomy #calendaring #time #solstice #DecemberSolstice #winter
#winter #decembersolstice #solstice #time #calendaring #astronomy
Happy December Solstice! 🎄
#MastoArt #CreativeToots #Art #sketch #DigitalArt #Winter #solstice #WinterSolstice #DecemberSolstice
#decembersolstice #wintersolstice #solstice #winter #DigitalArt #sketch #art #CreativeToots #MastoArt
The #DecemberSolstice will occur today at about 15:59Z, that’s in just less than seven hours from the time of posting, bringing #winter here and #summer in other places. Locally, I’m looking forward to the days getting longer again.
#decembersolstice #winter #summer #solstice