GermanZero Hamburg · @GermanZeroHH
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Bereits in seinem PR-Video auf Twitter vom in hat Volker wesentliche Fakten ausgelassen, um seine völkerrechts- und verfassungswidrige Politik zu rechtfertigen. Der
Transport Outlook empfiehlt das genaue Gegenteil seiner Politik: statt !


#Weltverkehrsforum #itf23 #leipzig #Wissing #itf #decideandprovide #predictandprovide #induzierterVerkehr #VerkehrsWende #autokorrektur #rethinkmobility #pariserabkommen #art20agg

Last updated 1 year ago

The paradigm shift from predict and provide to decide and provide in (transport) planning is really taking shape now. Oxfordshire has formally adopted D&P. I've just been informed that Herefordshire is following suit - and other county councils have signalled they are readying to as well.


Last updated 2 years ago

Great to be at the TRICS conference in London today and with a big audience getting to grips with Decide and Provide. It's clear the momentum is really there now in the transport and planning sectors - I wonder where we'll be in a few more years with mainstream approaches?!

#sustainability #decideandprovide

Last updated 2 years ago