🐞 Celebrant la #Decidim bug bash party per provar el nou redisseny de Decidim juntament amb la nostra comunitat internacional.
#decidim #communitymeeting #decidim028
O Software Livre voltou no governo federal!
#decidim #ppa #governo #softwarelivre
A Empresa de Tecnologia e Informações da Previdência (Dataprev), a comunidade Decidim de software livre, as startups Nômade Tecnologias, de Belém, Pencil Labs, de Brasília, FeliciLab, do Ceará, e o Instituto Cidade Democrática, de São Paulo, também participaram do trabalho q resultou no lançamento neste mês de maio, momento em q acontecem encontros em todo o país para elaboração do Plano Plurianual Participativo 2024-2027.
#orçamentoparticipativo #softwarelivre #decidim
#orcamentoparticipativo #SoftwareLivre #decidim
@fsfe @fossnorth #Decidim è usato anche in Italia dalla #PA! https://www.forumpa.it/open-government/partecipazione-trasparenza/partecipa-come-funziona-la-piattaforma-open-source-riuso-e-progetti-pilota/
Cómo usar #Decidim. Guía para administraciones públicas https://xabier.barandiaran.net/2023/04/13/como-usar-decidim/
𝐂Ó𝐌𝐎 𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐌. Guía para administraciones públicas
Un documento tremendamente útil tanto a quienes tengan ya experiencia con Decidim como para quienes están empezando.
Escrito por Xabier Baradiaran, cofundador del proyecto.
#decidim #participación #innovación #democracia #códigoabierto
#decidim #participacion #innovacion #democracia #codigoabierto
We are #hiring ⚡️
We’re looking for someone who will be responsible for creating a sustainability plan for the Association and find new funding opportunities
Details here 👉🏾https://decidim.org/blog/2023-04-03-job-offer-fundraiser/
#hiring #metadecidim #decidim #funding
We’re looking for someone to become part of the project's backbone!
𝗢𝗻 𝗮 𝗱𝗮𝘆-𝘁𝗼-𝗱𝗮𝘆 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗸𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲:
1. Planning new features along with the Product Team
2. Reviewing new contributions from the developer community
3. Making contributions to the software, documentation, etc.
4. Answering and supporting our community members
5. Improving the installation process
6. Updating the libraries
𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲
👉 https://decidim.org/blog/2023-04-03-job-offer-junior-ror-developer/
#joboffer #rordeveloper #decidim #floss
La conf' sur #Decidim était bien sympa ! Pour info, c'est le logiciel libre derrière la fameuse pétition #BravMDissolution de l'Assemblée Nationale mais aussi derrière les plateformes de budget participatif comme à #Villeurbanne :
Logiciel très lié à #Barcelone
#lyon #jdll #barcelone #villeurbanne #bravmdissolution #decidim
Vídeo imperdible! Un excelente ejercicio de pedagogía sobre Decidim por parte de nuestro compañero @anders en #t3chfest2023
Míralo aquí https://youtu.be/upSoZ8aaYTM
#decidim #softwarelibre #democracia #participacion #tecnopolitica
#t3chfest2023 #decidim #softwarelibre #democracia #participacion #tecnopolitica
Technopolitical developers bring a sociological understanding of technology into its development.
They recognise that technologies are never neutral tools. The design, development, ownership and use of such platforms inevitably makes assumptions about how societies (and democracies) work.
Normally, I am not fan of time tracking. But… I can see now that time tracking can be a great way to value participation. Imagine impact mesurements based on participation time ❤️
For #decidim folks, I've updated a module for time tracking (by Platoniq). You can try it on 0.26.4. Thanks to https://mkutano.community for financing it 🎉
🔗 the module https://github.com/Platoniq/decidim-module-time_tracker
🔗 the PR https://github.com/Platoniq/decidim-module-time_trackerpull/107.
#decidim #delibwave #democracy #butterflyeffect
Eau de Paris, la empresa pública responsable del suministro de agua de París ha lanzado su primer presupuesto participativo
Vive la France!
#decidim #floss #PresupuestoParticipativo #infraestructuraspúblicas
#decidimaroundtheworld #decidim #floss #presupuestoparticipativo #infraestructuraspublicas
The scared scientists are feeding Google Analytics. Systemic change includes refusing to support un-elected surveillance capitalist corporations, which don't use radically transparent, participatory decision-making. If someone is in contact with CargoCollective.com, then feel free to pass on the message.
To push the AU government to implement science-based climate #DecisionMaking, try using #Decidim or #ConsulProject :
#decisionmaking #decidim #ConsulProject
@fplogue can we just properly democratise public planning so that these unelected people aren't deciding what happens on behalf of all of the rest of us??
Either through direct democracy (using @decidim ) or reforming local government to actually function correctly, with stronger planning powers.
#directdemocracy #publicplanning #democraticplanning #decidim
#decidim #democraticplanning #publicplanning #directdemocracy
@m_a_schenk La même chose existe pour Lausanne, aussi avec #Decidim https://participer.lausanne.ch/
OyéOyé J-3 Pour participer au #BudgetParticipatif au passage la ville de #Lyon utilise ici #Decidim une application libre développée par #Barcelona et déployée ici par @OpenSourcePol (un compte masto à venir?) :
Participez à la construction du #Lyon de demain!
Jusqu'au 4/12, votez pour votre projet préféré déposé par ls Lyonnaises, Lyonnais ds le cadre du Budget Participatif!cc @villedelyon (t'es où sur masto?)
#BUPA #DémocratieParticipative
#democratieparticipative #bupa #barcelona #decidim #lyon #budgetparticipatif
OyéOyé J-3 Pour participer au #BudgetParticipatif au passage la ville de #Lyon utilise ici #Decidim une application libre développée par #Barcelona et déployée ici par @OpenSourcePol (un compte masto à venir?) :
Participez à la construction du #Lyon de demain!
Jusqu'au 4/12, votez pour votre projet préféré déposé par ls Lyonnaises, Lyonnais ds le cadre du Budget Participatif!cc @villedelyon (t'es où sur masto?)
#BUPA #DémocratieParticipative
#democratieparticipative #bupa #barcelona #decidim #lyon #budgetparticipatif