Another visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation which is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies
Another visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation which is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies
This visualization of a #FastFourierTransform implementation is different from the usual depiction of a #FFT. (Of course only the depiction is different, the FFT isn't). The image shows the #FractalComposition of a FFT for 16 input and output values. The yellow boxes do the elementary #DFT (#DiscreteFourierTransform). They also are called "#DecimatioButterflies".
#fastfouriertransform #fft #fractalcomposition #dft #discretefouriertransform #decimatiobutterflies