Rebase Tokens: A Stunning Collapse From $8 Billion to $351 Million in 20 Months - The crypto winter inflicted a brutal toll on the digital currency landscape, leavi... - #marketcapitalization #coincirculation #digitalcurrency #uniqueaddresses #peakpricerange #stakingaddress #cryptoeconomy #rebasetokens #alltimehigh #decimation #innovation #olympusdao #wonderland #protocols #altcoins #fhm
#fhm #altcoins #protocols #wonderland #olympusdao #innovation #decimation #alltimehigh #rebasetokens #cryptoeconomy #stakingaddress #peakpricerange #uniqueaddresses #digitalcurrency #coincirculation #marketcapitalization
Big Tech is taking tips from the Roman army.
#TechLayOffs #Decimation #LayOffs2023 #SoftwareIndustry #BigTech #TechCompanies #JobCuts #JobLosses
#joblosses #jobcuts #techcompanies #bigtech #softwareindustry #layoffs2023 #decimation #techlayoffs
:github: is laying off 10% of staff - reported in Fortune today:
I'm at :github: so please be thoughtful with your responses 🙏
#github #layoffs #techlayoffs #decimation
Stop #lying about #protecting #OldGrowth in #BritishColumbia #BCNDP #DavidEby #HorganizedCrimes #EcocidalManiacs
THIS IS THE #REALITY OF #deforestation in BC. Photos are from past YEAR! STOP #GREENWASHING #LIES 😡
#StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #WorthMoreStanding #SaveOldGrowth #protectOldGrowth #SacredForests #NewDeathParty #LeadersInDeath #StopCorporateWelfare #JustTransition #Degrowth #SuperSelloutBC #decimation
#lying #oldgrowth #britishcolumbia #bcndp #davideby #horganizedcrimes #ecocidalmaniacs #reality #deforestation #greenwashing #lies #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #WorthMoreStanding #SaveOldGrowth #protectoldgrowth #sacredforests #newdeathparty #leadersindeath #stopcorporatewelfare #justtransition #degrowth #superselloutbc #decimation #protecting