A super late

Hi Mastodon, and thank you @kinozhao for running @fediphilosopher !

I'm Xin Hui, a PhD student in shuttling between the University of and . My main philosophical interests lie in the intersection of and epistemology, particularly how decision models bear on our and agency.

You may know me as thyacinth on !

#introduction #philosophy #pittsburgh #mit #decisionTheory #feminist #social #political #twitter

Last updated 2 years ago

Gianluca Baio 🛵 · @gianlubaio
151 followers · 158 posts · Server mas.to

Me - Kobi, have you decided who you are supporting in the final?

Kobi - Paris St Germain

Me (roll eyes)

Kobi - I mean England. I mean Argentina. Or France.


Last updated 2 years ago

Gianluca Baio 🛵 · @gianlubaio
176 followers · 224 posts · Server mas.to

Me - Kobi, have you decided who you are supporting in the final?

Kobi - Paris St Germain

Me (roll eyes)

Kobi - I mean England. I mean Argentina. Or France.


Last updated 2 years ago

Nick Byrd · @ByrdNick
512 followers · 88 posts · Server nerdculture.de

We know inflation impacts expected (monetary) value, but how might it impact expected (subjective) utility?

Are there standard discount rates for subjective utility (over time) that are analogous to inflation rates on expected (monetary) value?

Are there illustrative real world examples?

Have the subjective discount rates been formalized somewhere?

I considered time discounting (e.g., hyperbolic discounting), but wasn't sure if that's sufficiently analogous.

#decisionTheory #decisionscience

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Bryant · @alexbryant
768 followers · 339 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Have been thinking for some time about whether it's permissible to bring about a for someone else when that person doesn't know or resists it happening.

I mean transformative experience in the technical philosophical sense from LA Paul: and experience by our values and preferences change. On Paul's account, it already looks like we can't make a about whether to choose a trans. exp. (on regular ), but what about on behalf of others?

#transformativeexperience #rationaldecision #decisionTheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Paradox Garden · @paradoxgarden
76 followers · 13 posts · Server zirk.us

1. You can take their rook or their queen. (Premise)
2. A queen is worth more than a rook. (Premise)
3. They will move their queen (somewhere it cannot be taken). (from 1 and 2)
4. You will not take their queen. (from 3)
5. If you will not take their queen, they will move their rook. (Premise)
6. They will move their rook. (from 4 and 5)
7. You can look forward to winning a queen. (from 1 and 6)


#philosophy #decisionTheory #logic #paradox #puzzle

Last updated 2 years ago

Paradox Garden · @paradoxgarden
76 followers · 13 posts · Server zirk.us

Recently came across this argument and love it, click the link if you want to know why you should choose worse options.



#philosophy #decisionTheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Alex Bryant · @alexbryant
528 followers · 242 posts · Server mastodon.lol

I use apps like this for academic community, esp. .

If you are a student, teacherer, research, faculty around of any kind and/or (i.e. gender and women studies, womens' studies, gender studies, etc.), , and , , , , , , or something akin to these areas in the social sciences + humanities, I want to find you and get your toots in my feed!

#academicphilosophy #academic #philosophy #gender #sts #legaltheory #jurisprudence #criticalrace #historyofscience #politicaltheory #decisionTheory #disabilityStudies

Last updated 2 years ago

Csepp 🌢 · @csepp
1523 followers · 9405 posts · Server merveilles.town

Noticed the name of Rapoport in @neauoire 's wiki and because he was mentioned on class, so I quickly looked up what he did, and gosh, why the heck did our teacher not talk more about his work???


Last updated 3 years ago