I'm delighted to share this article showing how satellite data is being used to provide decision support tools for African aquaculture operators.
The tools, which are free to access and use, come from the Marine and Coastal Operations for Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean (MarCOSIO) Consortium, which is part of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and Africa (GMES & Africa) programme.
#decisionsupport #earthobservation #aquaculture
Systematic reviews on platelet transfusions: unnecessary duplication of effort? scoping review (110 SRs)
#bleeding #platelettransfusion #transfusion #EvidenceMap #researchwaste #duplicatereviews
Prophylactic/ therapeutic transfusions vs no platelet transf (34), prophylactic vs therapeutic-only (8), dose, timing (11) and threshold for transf (15), ratio of platelet transfusion to other blood products in massive transfusion (14), #DecisionSupport (34) #haemostasis #EBM
#bleeding #platelettransfusion #transfusion #evidencemap #ResearchWaste #duplicatereviews #decisionsupport #haemostasis #ebm
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