"A decision is the action a person must take when the information they have is so incomplete that the answer does not suggest itself. [ed]" — Arthur William Radford— — — #ArthurWilliamRadford #quote #quotes #decision #action #decide #decisive #judgment
#arthurwilliamradford #quote #quotes #decision #action #decide #decisive #judgment
Hi, SocialWorlds. Your post ended in my “Home” timeline probably because of the #information(en) hashtag, and even if I don’t speak German it looked interesting so I “had” to translate it and respond. Hope you don’t mind :-)
#Distinction of #undecidable #questions in #known and #unknown #conditions of their #relevance.
#hypothetical / #factual
#Factually meant as a #question for #data as not yet known #information
#known / #unknown
In the case of #functional systems such as #economy, #religion, #art and #politics, only #facts are missing. How they are to be #understood is #clear.
In the case of #meaning and #ecology, #decisive #factors are #unclear.
In my opinion #data=#facts. You can’t argue about facts the same way you can’t really argue about the “hard data” (numbers, graphs) in front of you.
What you can argue about is the interpretation of that data, or the different private #information every one of us will extract from the same set of data (facts) in front of us. What information is derived from the data depends on the different #knowledge(s) each one of us has about the world.
#distinction #undecidable #factual #hypothetical #factually #question #data #information #questions #known #unknown #conditions #relevance #ecology #knowledge #functional #economy #religion #art #politics #meaning #factors #facts #understood #clear #decisive #unclear
Make way. Make way
It's Caturday
#caturday #Katerdag #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #photography #fotographie #fotographia #PetPhotos #Pets #PetPhotography
#BnW #BlackandWhite
#HuisDieren #Chat #Decisive #Busy #GoingSomeWhere
#caturday #Katerdag #catsofmastodon #mastocats #photography #fotographie #fotographia #petphotos #pets #petphotography #bnw #blackandwhite #bnwphotography #blackandwhitephotography #huisdieren #chat #decisive #busy #goingsomewhere
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #DECISIVE #MMSI: #367450000
Callsign: #KDEU Type: #Other
#Flag: #USA Msgs recvd: 573
Seen on: 05-Mar-2023 09:40:28 EST
Status: #under_way_using_engine
Heading: 30 deg Destination: CABLE_GROUNDS
Signal #RSSI: -22.9 dBFS
Vessel location: https://kx1t.com/ais?mmsi=367450000
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #decisive #mmsi #kdeu #other #flag #usa #under_way_using_engine #rssi #kx1t
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #DECISIVE #MMSI: #367450000
Callsign: #KDEU Type: #Other
#Flag: #USA Msgs recvd: 23
Seen on: 04-Mar-2023 09:38:32 EST
Status: #moored
Heading: 268 deg Destination: BOSTON_USA
Signal #RSSI: -24.6 dBFS
Vessel location: https://kx1t.com/ais?mmsi=367450000
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#ais #decisive #mmsi #kdeu #other #flag #usa #moored #rssi #kx1t #vesselalert #ship #vessel
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #DECISIVE #MMSI: #367450000
Callsign: #KDEU Type: #Other
#Flag: #USA Msgs recvd: 573
Seen on: 02-Mar-2023 09:23:27 EST
Status: #moored
Heading: 268 deg Destination: BOSTON_USA
Signal #RSSI: -28.7 dBFS
Vessel location: https://kx1t.com/ais?mmsi=367450000
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #decisive #mmsi #kdeu #other #flag #usa #moored #rssi #kx1t
#VesselAlert #Ship #Vessel #AIS
Name: #DECISIVE #MMSI: #367450000
Callsign: #KDEU Type: #Other
#Flag: #USA Msgs recvd: 1159
Seen on: 01-Mar-2023 09:25:46 EST
Status: #under_way_using_engine
Speed: 9.3 kts Heading: 287 deg Destination: BOSTON_USA
Signal #RSSI: -25.4 dBFS
Vessel location: https://kx1t.com/ais?mmsi=367450000
#kx1t Join us! https://vesselalert.com
#vesselalert #ship #vessel #ais #decisive #mmsi #kdeu #other #flag #usa #under_way_using_engine #rssi #kx1t
#Decisive : How to Make Better Choices in Life and Work
Highly recommended for anyone at the C-Suite Level and for those running and managing Programs.
7.45pm and I still can’t decide whether I’d like a crisp, cold drink or not. I’m leaning towards no. Or is it yes? #decisive
If you're not into #rightwing #politics and #policy you're going to hate the next decade in the #US. A relatively small number of #fascists have succeeded in moving the entire body-politic in a hard rightward trajectory.
Although it's always good politics to #punchnazis it's also possible that more #creative #solutions will be necessary. Something #elegant and #decisive.
#rightwing #politics #policy #us #fascists #punchnazis #creative #solutions #elegant #decisive
Atletico Madrid, ore decisive per Molina | Mercato | Calciomercato.com #atletico #madrid #decisive #molina #mercato #calciomercatocom #21luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2FsY2lvbWVyY2F0by5jb20vbmV3cy9hdGxldGljby1tYWRyaWQtb3JlLWRlY2lzaXZlLXBlci1tb2xpbmEtMTM1NzA=
#21luglio #calciomercatocom #mercato #molina #decisive #madrid #atletico
Di Maria alla Juventus, accordo fatto: ore decisive | L`indizio social non lascia dubbi - Free.it #maria #juventus @juventusfc #accordo #decisive #lindizio #social #lascia #dubbi #freeit #28giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZnJlZS5pdC8yMDIyLzA2LzI4L2RpLW1hcmlhLWFsbGEtanV2ZW50dXMtYWNjb3Jkby1mYXR0by1vcmUtZGVjaXNpdmUtbGluZGl6aW8tc29jaWFsLW5vbi1sYXNjaWEtZHViYmkv
#28Giugno #freeit #dubbi #lascia #social #lindizio #decisive #accordo #juventus #maria
#podcasts #christian #faith #god #life #success #happiness #motivation #forgiveness #anchor #spotify #youtube #youtubechannel #youtubevideos #freedom #healthy #Podcast #overcome #victory #anchorfm #anchorpodcast #spotify #iTunes #audry #decisiveness #decisive #bedecisive
#bedecisive #decisive #decisiveness #audry #itunes #anchorpodcast #anchorfm #victory #overcome #podcast #Healthy #freedom #youtubevideos #youtubechannel #youtube #spotify #anchor #Forgiveness #motivation #happiness #success #life #god #faith #christian #podcasts
I just finished writing a new article.
Methods For More Quickly Deciding on Trivial Tasks #decisions #deciding #indecision #decisive #indecisive
#decisions #deciding #indecision #decisive #indecisive
One thing that's been profoundly helpful to me in making #decisions is letting a random generator do it, almost like rolling a dice. For choosing among 4 items, I just did this in #Python
from random import randint
#decisions #python #indecisive #indecisiveness #python3 #decisive