Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
227 followers · 1573 posts · Server

Theme One Program • Discussion 10

Re: Seamus Bradley ( )
❝I thought of a programming language where every function can only return one type: the return type. The return type is just a wrapper around a struct that contains the actual return value, but also a reference to the called function and arguments, and possibly an error code.❞

My flashback —

Way back in the last millennium I started work on a programming style I called an “idea processor”, where an “idea” is a pointer to a “form” and a form is a minimal type of record containing 1 character, 1 number, and 4 more ideas.

I implemented a functional style where all the main functions are transformations of one or more ideas to a return idea. The principal data type is an “idea-form flag” which serves a role analogous to a “cons cell” in Lisp.

Here's one entry point —

Theme One Program • Exposition 1

#functionalprogramming #declarativeprogram #CactusLanguage #ideaprocessor #ThemeOneProgram #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce

Last updated 2 years ago