Answer Set Programming. ~ Vladimir Lifschitz. #DeclarativeProgramming #ASP
Survey of Theme One Program
This is a Survey of resources for the Theme One Program I worked on all through the 1980s. The aim was to develop fundamental algorithms and data structures for integrating empirical learning with logical reasoning. I had earlier developed separate programs for basic components of those tasks, namely, 2-level formal language learning and propositional constraint satisfaction, the latter using an extension of C.S. Peirce's logical graphs as a syntax for propositional logic. Thus arose the question of how well it might be possible to get “empiricist” and “rationalist” modes of operation to cooperate. The long-term vision is the design and implementation of an Automated Research Tool able to double as a platform for Inquiry Driven Education.
Please follow the above link for the full set of resources. A sample of basics are liked below.
Wiki Hub —
Theme One Program • Overview
Documentation —
Theme One Program • Pascal Source Code
Theme One Program • User Guide
Theme One Program • Exposition
Applications —
Applications of a Propositional Calculator • Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Exploratory Qualitative Analysis of Sequential Observation Data
References —
An Architecture for Inquiry • Building Computer Platforms for Discovery
Exploring Research Data Interactively • Theme One : A Program of Inquiry
#Peirce #Logic #LogicalGraphs #ThemeOneProgram #IdeaProcessor
#BooleanSatisfiability #CactusLanguage #DeclarativeProgramming
#declarativeprogramming #CactusLanguage #booleansatisfiability #ideaprocessor #ThemeOneProgram #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce
Preliminary #CallForPapers #PPDP2023 (Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming) "brings together researchers from the declarative programming communities, including those ... in the logic, constraint and functional programming paradigms, but also ... other paradigms such as visual programming, executable specification languages, database languages, AI languages and knowledge representation languages used, for example, in the semantic web" #DeclarativeProgramming
#declarativeprogramming #ppdp2023 #callforpapers
Add #Mercury to the languages in which I have contributed a Sutherland-Hodgman example to #RosettaCode:
Sutherland-Hodgman polygon clipping - Rosetta Code
#LogicProgramming #ComputerGraphics #DeclarativeProgramming
(I’m still stunned by that oatmeal-for-brains who OBJECTED to my contributing a #Ratfor example, because it wasn’t in the latest #Fortran revision. And such a fool runs ‘Fortran’ websites? Computer programming is a sick field.)
#fortran #ratfor #declarativeprogramming #computergraphics #LogicProgramming #rosettacode #mercury
Restarting an old #haskell project: neting - network manager
#coding #learning #haskell #FP #TUI #networking #opensource #declarativeprogramming
#haskell #coding #learning #fp #tui #networking #opensource #declarativeprogramming