☎️ MEMORY LANE | #Mexican #Journalist SPEAKS OUT |
A New ‘#Digital_Violence’ Platform #Maps Dozens of #Victims of #NSO_Group’s #Spyware. 📲
#Pegasus “activates your #camera, your #microphone, all that which forms an #integral part of your life.” #Mexican #Journalist #Carmen_Aristegui
#Israel_based NSO Group develops #Pegasus, a spyware that allows its #government CUSTOMERS??? near #unfettered_access to a #victim’s #device, including their #personal_data and their #location.
NSO has repeatedly #DECLINED to #name its #customers but reportedly has #government_contracts in at least 45 countries, said to include Rwanda, Israel, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and the United Arab Emirates — #all of which have been #accused of human rights abuses — as well as Western nations, like Spain.
Forensic Architecture’s researcher-in-charge Shourideh Molavi said the new findings reveal “the extent to which the digital domain we inhabit has become the new #frontier of #human_rights_violations, a site of state #surveillance and #intimidation that enables #physical violations in #real_space.”
The platform presents #visual_timelines of how victims are #targeted by #both spyware and #physical_violence as part of government campaigns to #target their most outspoken #critics.
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
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#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #mexican #journalist #Digital_Violence #maps #victims #NSO_Group #spyware #Pegasus #CAMERA #microphone #integral #Carmen_Aristegui #Israel_based #government #unfettered_access #victim #device #personal_data #location #declined #name #customers #government_contracts #all #accused #frontier #human_rights_violations #surveillance #intimidation #physical #real_space #visual_timelines #targeted #Both #physical_violence #target #critics #INVITE
Ron DeSantis Invites Nation’s First Black VP to Florida for Roundtable Discussion on the Upsides of Being Enslaved — In a shock move, she declined.
#VanityFair #RonDesantis #KamalaHarris #FloridaRoundtable #UpsidesOfBeingEnslaved #Declined #Politics #News
#vanityfair #rondesantis #kamalaharris #floridaroundtable #upsidesofbeingenslaved #declined #politics #news
For a year, Stockton Rush had tried to convince Las Vegas-based investor Jay Bloom to buy a couple of spots on his company's submersible so Bloom and his son could experience the once-in-a-lifetime thrill of visiting the deep-sea wreck of the Titanic
#PakMan #SonGotTitanicSub #Declined #USMan
#pakman #songottitanicsub #declined #usman
So the #illinois #bookban #ban isn't so much a ban, as it is a limitation on state funding that a #library receiving such state #funding must abide by ALA principles.
In theory, a library could continue to ban books if it simply #declined state funding.
In a way, it reminds me of the retorts people made to #NPR when they objected to "#Government-funded #media" label on #birdsite: "so just don't take government funding!"
#illinois #bookban #ban #library #funding #declined #npr #government #media #birdsite
Make no mistake - No #leadership #resolve #honesty #integrity #values #SCOTUS #ChiefJustice #JohnRoberts has #declined to directly #respond to a #congressional #request to #investigate #ClarenceThomas’ alleged #ethicallapses. Roberts instead referred request from #SenateJudiciary Chairman #DickDurbin to the #JudicialConference, which serves as the policy-making body of the federal courts. This is not about #policy - it is about a long documented history of #corruption https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/22/politics/chief-justice-john-roberts-clarence-thomas/index.html
#leadership #resolve #honesty #integrity #values #SCOTUS #chiefjustice #johnroberts #declined #respond #congressional #request #investigate #clarencethomas #ethicallapses #senatejudiciary #dickdurbin #judicialconference #policy #Corruption
MEMORY LANE | #Verizon and #AT&T #Declined to #Comment?? | #Overseas Flight #Cancellations?? International airlines #suspend some US flights over #5G #uncertainty | #Emirates, #Air_India, All #Nippon_Airways, #Japan_Airlines, #Lufthansa and #British_Airways all #announced changes to some flights, #citing the issue.
Emirates said it would #SUSPEND_FLIGHTS into #nine US #airports: Boston, Chicago O’Hare, Dallas Fort Worth, George Bush Intercontinental in Houston, Miami, Newark, Orlando, San Francisco and Seattle.
It said it would continue flying into New York’s John F. Kennedy airport, Los Angeles International and Washington Dulles.
#Verizon and #AT&T #Declined to #Comment?? | #Overseas Flight #Cancellations?? #Airlines ask Biden administration for ‘#immediate_intervention’ on #5G. Executives from the largest #US airlines asked the Biden administration for “immediate intervention” in the planned rollout of #5G_technology #near major #airports on Wednesday, warning of dire consequences for transportation and the economy.
#verizon #AT #declined #COMMENT #Overseas #Cancellations #suspend #5g #uncertainty #Emirates #Air_India #Nippon_Airways #Japan_Airlines #lufthansa #British_Airways #announced #citing #SUSPEND_FLIGHTS #nine #Airports #airlines #immediate_intervention #us #5G_technology #near
MEMORY LANE | #Verizon and #AT&T #Declined to #Comment?? | #Overseas Flight #Cancellations?? International airlines #suspend some US flights over #5G #uncertainty | #Emirates, #Air_India, All #Nippon_Airways, #Japan_Airlines, #Lufthansa and #British_Airways all #announced changes to some flights, #citing the issue.
Emirates said it would #SUSPEND_FLIGHTS into #nine US #airports: Boston, Chicago O’Hare, Dallas Fort Worth, George Bush Intercontinental in Houston, Miami, Newark, Orlando, San Francisco and Seattle.
It said it would continue flying into New York’s John F. Kennedy airport, Los Angeles International and Washington Dulles.
#Verizon and #AT&T #Declined to #Comment?? | #Overseas Flight #Cancellations?? #Airlines ask Biden administration for ‘#immediate_intervention’ on #5G. Executives from the largest #US airlines asked the Biden administration for “immediate intervention” in the planned rollout of #5G_technology #near major #airports on Wednesday, warning of dire consequences for transportation and the economy.
#verizon #AT #declined #COMMENT #Overseas #Cancellations #suspend #5g #uncertainty #Emirates #Air_India #Nippon_Airways #Japan_Airlines #lufthansa #British_Airways #announced #citing #SUSPEND_FLIGHTS #nine #Airports #airlines #immediate_intervention #us #5G_technology #near
MEMORY LANE | #Verizon and #AT&T #Declined to #Comment?? | #Overseas Flight #Cancellations?? International airlines #suspend some US flights over #5G #uncertainty | #Emirates, #Air_India, All #Nippon_Airways, #Japan_Airlines, #Lufthansa and #British_Airways all #announced changes to some flights, #citing the issue.
Emirates said it would #SUSPEND_FLIGHTS into #nine US #airports: Boston, Chicago O’Hare, Dallas Fort Worth, George Bush Intercontinental in Houston, Miami, Newark, Orlando, San Francisco and Seattle.
It said it would continue flying into New York’s John F. Kennedy airport, Los Angeles International and Washington Dulles.
#Verizon and #AT&T #Declined to #Comment?? | #Overseas Flight #Cancellations?? #Airlines ask Biden administration for ‘#immediate_intervention’ on #5G. Executives from the largest #US airlines asked the Biden administration for “immediate intervention” in the planned rollout of #5G_technology #near major #airports on Wednesday, warning of dire consequences for transportation and the economy.
“Unless our major hubs are cleared to fly, the vast majority of the traveling and #shipping_public will essentially be #grounded. This means that on a day like yesterday, more than 1,100 flights and 100,000 passengers would be #subjected to #cancellations, #diversions or #delays.”
#T_Mobile_5G #Antenna | WAYNE COUNTY, MICH. (CBS DETROIT) - The frustrations continue in the #City of #Wyandotte concerning the #T_Mobile #5G antenna placed on a tower at #Washington_Elementary_School.
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE. TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
http://Withbrains.com ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network)
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News)
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Got Complaints Post it;)
#verizon #AT #declined #COMMENT #Overseas #Cancellations #suspend #5g #uncertainty #Emirates #Air_India #Nippon_Airways #Japan_Airlines #lufthansa #British_Airways #announced #citing #SUSPEND_FLIGHTS #nine #Airports #airlines #immediate_intervention #us #5G_technology #near #shipping_public #grounded #subjected #diversions #delays #T_Mobile_5G #antenna #city #Wyandotte #T_Mobile #Washington_Elementary_School #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
MEMORY LANE | #Verizon and #AT&T #Declined to #Comment?? | #Overseas Flight #Cancellations?? International airlines #suspend some US flights over #5G #uncertainty | #Emirates, #Air_India, All #Nippon_Airways, #Japan_Airlines, #Lufthansa and #British_Airways all #announced changes to some flights, #citing the issue.
Emirates said it would #SUSPEND_FLIGHTS into #nine US #airports: Boston, Chicago O’Hare, Dallas Fort Worth, George Bush Intercontinental in Houston, Miami, Newark, Orlando, San Francisco and Seattle.
It said it would continue flying into New York’s John F. Kennedy airport, Los Angeles International and Washington Dulles.
#Verizon and #AT&T #Declined to #Comment?? | #Overseas Flight #Cancellations?? #Airlines ask Biden administration for ‘#immediate_intervention’ on #5G. Executives from the largest #US airlines asked the Biden administration for “immediate intervention” in the planned rollout of #5G_technology #near major #airports on Wednesday, warning of dire consequences for transportation and the economy.
“Unless our major hubs are cleared to fly, the vast majority of the traveling and #shipping_public will essentially be #grounded. This means that on a day like yesterday, more than 1,100 flights and 100,000 passengers would be #subjected to #cancellations, #diversions or #delays.”
#T_Mobile_5G #Antenna | WAYNE COUNTY, MICH. (CBS DETROIT) - The frustrations continue in the #City of #Wyandotte concerning the #T_Mobile #5G antenna placed on a tower at #Washington_Elementary_School.
#CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE. TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! JOBS FOR ALL WORLDWIDE! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
http://Withbrains.com ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network)
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News)
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Got Complaints Post it;)?)
#verizon #AT #declined #COMMENT #Overseas #Cancellations #suspend #5g #uncertainty #Emirates #Air_India #Nippon_Airways #Japan_Airlines #lufthansa #British_Airways #announced #citing #SUSPEND_FLIGHTS #nine #Airports #airlines #immediate_intervention #us #5G_technology #near #shipping_public #grounded #subjected #diversions #delays #T_Mobile_5G #antenna #city #Wyandotte #T_Mobile #Washington_Elementary_School #CONNECT #INVITE #SEO #RTB #HFT #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
It’s not in my backyard f#*^ them!
#ExxonMobil. The world’s biggest investor-owned oil company #predicted #climate #disruptions #four #decades #ago — and then #declined to #share its findings with the #public. Instead, as the company attacked climate science, climate disruptions proceeded largely as its researchers predicted. Now, though, the disruptions are outpacing even those predictions, partly because, well, Exxon kept them secret and pretended they did not exist.
#exxonmobil #predicted #climate #disruptions #four #decades #ago #declined #share #public
Protip: you want to put the heavy duty hand cream on *after* you do all your fingerprint biometric based logins for the morning... #declined #skincare #troubleshooting
#declined #skincare #troubleshooting
Controlling for other factors like pollution and fluctuating fish populations, the team found that across all species, #parasites #declined by 38% for every degree Celsius of temperature increase. Some species were harmed more than others. Parasites with complex life cycles — the 52 percent of species in the study that require three, four or even five hosts to make it from egg to adult — declined by almost 11% every decade.
eicker.news #technews »‘#Disruptive’ #science has #declined — and no one knows why: The proportion of publications that send a field in a new direction has plummeted over the past half-century.« https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-04577-5
#technews #disruptive #science #declined
It's December 19th. You want me to drop everything so I can complete and return a thorough review "within 1 week"? #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat.meme.gif
#aintnobodygottimeforthat #declined
It's December 19th. You want me to drop everything so I can complete and return a thorough review "within 1 week"? I know this is boilerplate language, but it's still annoying to see. #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat.meme.gif
#aintnobodygottimeforthat #declined
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | #MEMORY_LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking). |
#TikTok PICKS #ORACLE over #Microsoft?? in #Trump_Forced #Sales_Bid
The owner of #TikTok has chosen #Oracle over #Microsoft as the #American_Tech_Partner that could help keep the popular video-sharing app running in the U.S., according to a source familiar with the deal who was not authorized to speak publicly about it.
Microsoft announced #Sunday that its bid to acquire TikTok's U.S. operations was #rejected, removing the tech giant from the running a #week_before President Donald Trump promises to follow through with a plan to #Ban the #Chinese_Owned #App in the U.S. over Spying Concerns.
The Trump administration has threatened to ban TikTok by Sept. 20 and ordered #ByteDance to #sell its #USA_Business, claiming #national_security_risks due to its #Chinese_ownership. The government worries about user #data being #funneled to Chinese authorities. #
TikTok #denies it is a #national_security_risk and is #suing to #stop the administration from the threatened #ban.
TikTok #declined to comment Sunday. Oracle didn't return a request for comment but has #previously_declined comment.
Microsoft said in a Sunday statement that #TikTok's parent company, #Bytedance, "let us know today they would not be selling TikTok's US operations to Microsoft."
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #oracle #Memory_Lane #CIA #tiktok #microsoft #Trump_Forced #Sales_Bid #American_Tech_Partner #sunday #rejected #week_before #ban #Chinese_Owned #app #ByteDance #sell #USA_Business #national_security_risks #Chinese_ownership #data #funneled #denies #NATIONAL_SECURITY_RISK #suing #STOP #declined #previously_declined #SEO #RTB #HFT
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | #MEMORY_LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking). |
#TikTok PICKS #ORACLE over #Microsoft?? in #Trump_Forced #Sales_Bid
The owner of #TikTok has chosen #Oracle over #Microsoft as the #American_Tech_Partner that could help keep the popular video-sharing app running in the U.S., according to a source familiar with the deal who was not authorized to speak publicly about it.
Microsoft announced #Sunday that its bid to acquire TikTok's U.S. operations was #rejected, removing the tech giant from the running a #week_before President Donald Trump promises to follow through with a plan to #Ban the #Chinese_Owned #App in the U.S. over Spying Concerns.
The Trump administration has threatened to ban TikTok by Sept. 20 and ordered #ByteDance to #sell its #USA_Business, claiming #national_security_risks due to its #Chinese_ownership. The government worries about user #data being #funneled to Chinese authorities. #
TikTok #denies it is a #national_security_risk and is #suing to #stop the administration from the threatened #ban.
TikTok #declined to comment Sunday. Oracle didn't return a request for comment but has #previously_declined comment.
Microsoft said in a Sunday statement that #TikTok's parent company, #Bytedance, "let us know today they would not be selling TikTok's US operations to Microsoft."
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #oracle #Memory_Lane #CIA #tiktok #microsoft #Trump_Forced #Sales_Bid #American_Tech_Partner #sunday #rejected #week_before #ban #Chinese_Owned #app #ByteDance #sell #USA_Business #national_security_risks #Chinese_ownership #data #funneled #denies #NATIONAL_SECURITY_RISK #suing #STOP #declined #previously_declined #SEO #RTB #HFT
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | #MEMORY_LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking). |
#TikTok PICKS #ORACLE over #Microsoft?? in #Trump_Forced #Sales_Bid
The owner of #TikTok has chosen #Oracle over #Microsoft as the #American_Tech_Partner that could help keep the popular video-sharing app running in the U.S., according to a source familiar with the deal who was not authorized to speak publicly about it.
Microsoft announced #Sunday that its bid to acquire TikTok's U.S. operations was #rejected, removing the tech giant from the running a #week_before President Donald Trump promises to follow through with a plan to #Ban the #Chinese_Owned #App in the U.S. over Spying Concerns.
The Trump administration has threatened to ban TikTok by Sept. 20 and ordered #ByteDance to #sell its #USA_Business, claiming #national_security_risks due to its #Chinese_ownership. The government worries about user #data being #funneled to Chinese authorities. #
TikTok #denies it is a #national_security_risk and is #suing to #stop the administration from the threatened #ban.
TikTok #declined to comment Sunday. Oracle didn't return a request for comment but has #previously_declined comment.
Microsoft said in a Sunday statement that #TikTok's parent company, #Bytedance, "let us know today they would not be selling TikTok's US operations to Microsoft."
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #oracle #Memory_Lane #CIA #tiktok #microsoft #Trump_Forced #Sales_Bid #American_Tech_Partner #sunday #rejected #week_before #ban #Chinese_Owned #app #ByteDance #sell #USA_Business #national_security_risks #Chinese_ownership #data #funneled #denies #NATIONAL_SECURITY_RISK #suing #STOP #declined #previously_declined #SEO #RTB #HFT
CAVEAT #ORACLE: An ELEPHANT NEVER FORGETS | #MEMORY_LANE | Oracles #CIA Origins?? (No, I'm not joking). |
#TikTok PICKS #ORACLE over #Microsoft?? in #Trump_Forced #Sales_Bid
The owner of #TikTok has chosen #Oracle over #Microsoft as the #American_Tech_Partner that could help keep the popular video-sharing app running in the U.S., according to a source familiar with the deal who was not authorized to speak publicly about it.
Microsoft announced #Sunday that its bid to acquire TikTok's U.S. operations was #rejected, removing the tech giant from the running a #week_before President Donald Trump promises to follow through with a plan to #Ban the #Chinese_Owned #App in the U.S. over Spying Concerns.
The Trump administration has threatened to ban TikTok by Sept. 20 and ordered #ByteDance to #sell its #USA_Business, claiming #national_security_risks due to its #Chinese_ownership. The government worries about user #data being #funneled to Chinese authorities. #
TikTok #denies it is a #national_security_risk and is #suing to #stop the administration from the threatened #ban.
TikTok #declined to comment Sunday. Oracle didn't return a request for comment but has #previously_declined comment.
Microsoft said in a Sunday statement that #TikTok's parent company, #Bytedance, "let us know today they would not be selling TikTok's US operations to Microsoft."
TastingTraffic LLC
Founder of #SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
Founder of #RTB (Real Time Bidding)
Founder of #HFT (High Frequency Trading)
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net and/or http://JustBlameWayne.com (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #oracle #Memory_Lane #CIA #tiktok #microsoft #Trump_Forced #Sales_Bid #American_Tech_Partner #sunday #rejected #week_before #ban #Chinese_Owned #app #ByteDance #sell #USA_Business #national_security_risks #Chinese_ownership #data #funneled #denies #NATIONAL_SECURITY_RISK #suing #STOP #declined #previously_declined #SEO #RTB #HFT
#brexit: from Miguel Berger #german #Ambassador to #uk: “UK 🇬🇧 is #Germany’s third #export market, but we are concerned that #trade between 🇬🇧🇩🇪 has continuously #declined since the Brexit #referendum.
#britain has traditionally been Germany’s fifth largest #trading #Partner. In 2022 UK 🇬🇧 will drop out of the list of the TOP 10 (blue line)”
#brexit #german #Ambassador #uk #Germany #export #trade #declined #referendum #britain #trading #Partner