"Ofcom investigates broadband providers for failing to implement simpler switching."
After a long hiatus in work-related blogging, a quick #BlogPost about Ofcom's announcement that it is to investigate alleged failures by allegedly pretty much all fixed line ISPs in the UK for allegedly not complying with the new rules on one-touch switching, which came into force on 3rd April.
#blogpost #ofcom #decodedlegal #broadband #telecoms
If you are looking at the USA's proposals around website / information blocking and thinking "haven't I seen another country doing that?!", here's something I wrote a couple of years back, about the UK's approach to blocking:
And here is the result of a rather stressful weekend, when the UK decided to impose, overnight and without notice, a website blocking sanctions regime on *all* ISPs, including those without filtering kit:
Changes to the Legal Ombudsman's complaints procedure
Hopefully none of you will need this :)
"Quick, easy and reliable switching": changes coming to Ofcom's General Conditions on 3 April 2023
This one is for my UK #telco and #ISP friends.
tl;dr: sod knows how you're going to manage to comply with the new rules for fixed location service one touch switching by the deadline of 3rd April.
#telco #isp #switching #decodedlegal
"There is no copyright in a file format ... unless there is"
A quick analysis of last week's case about copyrightability of the Bitcoin File Format, holding that there was no copyright in the Bitcoin File Format, but that there can be copyright in other file formats.
"The ICO and breach reporting under Reg 5A PECR: take two"
A new blogpost, on a new announcement by the ICO, on personal data breach reporting under PECR.
This one is vast improvement, albeit with a couple of unanswered questions.
I gave a short lecture today (to an undergrad IT law class) on Internet regulation, entitled "People, porn, and pipes".
It featured a few people, no porn, and not many pipes.
But if you're still interested, here are my slides:
#fedilaw #internetregulation #decodedlegal
Some of this might be of interest:
Can ISPs, telcos, and tech companies "lobby"?
A friend asked me whether, if they emailed their MP, or responded to a consultation, or spoke with civil servants about their business, it would be "lobbying", and if they needed to do anything.
No. Here's why:
#lobbying #decodedlegal #blogpost