Adrian Riskin · @AdrianRiskin
281 followers · 3024 posts · Server

The author conflates decolonialization with establishing racial equity, and then conflates racial equity in the mathematics classroom with teaching students that everyone, not just "dead white men," are able to do mathematics. She attributes the lack of diversity in mathematics to flawed teaching methods which perpetuate the false idea that success in math is due to talent rather than hard work. This, she says, teaches women and non-white people that math isn't for them.

This is certainly correct as far as it goes, but she doesn't go nearly far enough. The solution she offers, and remember that this is supposedly a way to decolonialize mathematics, is to somehow teach all students that math is for them also, that they're capable of learning math if they only study hard enough. Her conclusion is worth quoting at length:

"To transform mathematics teaching and learning in ways that empower students, universities need to give students the theoretical grounding they need to access the subject and support them to identify with it –- to want to learn it, to become the mathematicians of the future, to enjoy and critique mathematics and its applications."

And she may well be right that if math teachers could come to believe this and to teach as if it were true, which it is, then university mathematics might become much, much more diverse. But that's not decolonialization, which means the elimination of colonialism's effects, both cultural and social.

The very idea that everyone ought to learn mathematics, that anyone *needs* to learn mathematics, is an artifact of colonialism. Mathematics is interesting, fascinating, whatever, just like every other area of human knowledge, but it's treated very, very differently, as if it were essential to every human life. The reason it seems different, much more important than subjects universally understood to be electives, e.g. phenomenology or raku methods in ceramics, both of which are also taught in universities, is because colonial powers, among whom I include the contemporary U.S., require (a) techocrats to run their ongoing project of exploitation and (b) a lot of people who've failed to learn math and thereby have learned quite well that they don't have standing or knowledge to challenge the decrees of the technocrats.

Nobody thinks that everybody should learn to appreciate the subtle beauty of raku theory or the ins and outs of phenomenology, only that they should have the opportunity to do so if they want. The universal study of subjects like these isn't important to the colonial project. We can begin to decolonialize mathematics by teaching ourselves to see it as nothing more than a special interest, no more important from the point of view of the curriculum than any other obscure elective subject. Anyone who doesn't interrogate the assumption that everyone needs to, or ought to, or would be better off learning mathematics isn't talking about decolonializing anything, they're talking about accommodating students to the needs of colonialists.

#math #mathematics #decolonial #decolonization #mathematicseducation

Last updated 1 year ago

anna_addis · @anna_addis
49 followers · 8 posts · Server

Parenting and social justice, in one podcast - Come back to Care. The amazing Nat Vikitsreth gently guides parents towards new practices aimed at breaking intergenerational trauma and oppressive social norms. Nat’s calm, soft voice - almost a guided meditation - is balm for the soul. As soon as I hear the opening greeting “Sawatee Ka”, my body relaxes and my brain gets ready to welcome their wisdom. This podcast is and + friendly


#decolonial #AntiRacist #lgbtqia

Last updated 1 year ago

Bridget Stirling · @bridgetstirling
475 followers · 117 posts · Server

It is wild when you see utterly unapologetic extraction in action by authors who call their work .

#academic #colonial #decolonial #colonialextraction #citationaljustice

Last updated 1 year ago

Colm O'Neill · @colm
136 followers · 209 posts · Server

For any folx interested in the juxtaposed conversations, I was glad to learn about two interesting publications in the somewhat near future:

1. *Decolonising Educational Technology* - a special issue in the Education Sciences journal, but UNESCO funded, due before the end of the 2023 calendar year:

2. *Digital Degrowth* - Neil Selwyn, for Polity books, most likely in late 2024:

#permacomputing #edtech #decolonial #sustainability

Last updated 1 year ago

Oli Mould · @olimould
1269 followers · 1455 posts · Server

Why are the rules of grammar considered some of neutral zone of ? Why do people* get so defensive when you try to introduce paradigms into writing, for example using capitalised B for Black, but not W for white in order to emphasise global majority?

*yes, this is a subtoot of editorial decisions currently being made on my manuscripts

#academic #decolonial #politics

Last updated 1 year ago

E.G. Condé · @egconde
27 followers · 24 posts · Server
StictaMottica · @StictaMottica
57 followers · 71 posts · Server

The coloniality of planting: legacies of racism and slavery in the practice of botany:

#botany #Herbarium #decolonial

Last updated 1 year ago

Dad · @lapappagalla
74 followers · 43 posts · Server

Si vous voulez soutenir en visibilité, financièrement/matériellement ou sur place, voici un Collectif qui fait une veille sur les luttes autochtones au Québec

#autochone #decolonial #ecologie #lutte #collectif #quebec #canada

Last updated 1 year ago

Introduction Post:
My name is Christy and use they/them pronouns (/#agender). I live in rural so-called in the of /#Acadie/#NovaScotia. I’m a settler who grew up in the Ottawa Valley and my family are and who come from Quebec. I identify myself with , , , and movements.

I am a candidate in the School of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa, and I hope to finish writing my thesis this summer (). My studies focus on , , and approaches to and . I am specifically investigating historical patterns of distribution from 2000 to 2017 in through the use of property transfer records mapped using . I am hoping to apply my method in Mikmaki next.

I am also a preserving as many varieties as I can. I have training in , , and approaches to . I help organize with my local chapter of the and am interested in meeting other radical farmers, , , , etc. who are interested in organizing for , systems, and .

Other than all that, I am also fond of , , , , , , , , , and .

#enby #lunenburg #southshore #Mikmaki #frenchcanadian #irish #socialecology #ancom #peasantanarchist #agrariansyndicalist #phd #phdlife #neomarxist #Anarchist #decolonial #agrarianpoliticaleconomy #PoliticalEcology #farmland #easternontario #qgis #garlic #farmer #agroecology #organic #permaculture #horticulture #nationalfarmersunion #landworkers #homesteaders #neopeasants #foodsovereignty #LocalFood #landback #tabletoproleplay #fantasyliterature #solarpunk #SciFi #bioregionalanimism #baking #wildcrafting #foraging #homebrewing #Fermenting #woodcarving

Last updated 1 year ago

A_Rive :verified: · @A_Rive
32 followers · 3 posts · Server

Sociólogo, para bien, para mal o para lo que sea. Me gusta hablar de y creo que es la única alternativa al capitalismo y al calentamiento global. y . Fui protestante cuando niño, así que leí la biblia muchas veces. Hoy creo que el es totalitario por vocación.

#soberaniaalimentaria #antirracista #decolonial #monoteismo

Last updated 1 year ago

Jessica Stockdale · @_JAStockdale
371 followers · 32 posts · Server

Ahead of the Aristotelian Society & Mind Association this weekend, I thought I’d plug our paper: Action Research in Philosophy: A Case Study from (w/ Gabriel Cherake & Francesca Dem). See abstract below & join me on Sun 9 Jul @ the 11:15am Open Session! 👇

Thanks to:

#jointsession #decolonial #aristotelianjointsession #academicchatter #climatejustice #conservation #papuanewguinea #SussexSustainabilityResearchProgramme #sussexhumanitieslab #sustainability #philosophy

Last updated 1 year ago

A_Rive · @AndresErre1072
10 followers · 12 posts · Server

Sociólogo, para bien, para mal o para lo que sea. Me gusta hablar de y creo que es la única alternativa al capitalismo y al calentamiento global. y . Fui protestante cuando niño, así que leí la biblia muchas veces. Hoy creo que el monoteísmo es totalitario por vocación.

#presentacion #Introduccion #soberaniaalimentaria #antirracista #decolonial

Last updated 1 year ago

Felicitas Macgilchrist · @discoursology
238 followers · 474 posts · Server

Could be interesting for emerging scholars thinking about the social and cultural implications of edtech, or the nexus of schooling, digital culture and critical data studies, critical algorithm studies, postdigital, decolonial, planetary and/or feminist theories.

#postdigital #decolonial #feministtech #femedtech #sts

Last updated 1 year ago

Open Book Publishers · @OpenBookPublish
322 followers · 48 posts · Server

📢 in : ' : The Reinvention of in ', by Joanna Page.

In this book, Joanna Page illuminates the ways in which in are reinventing methods of collecting, organizing, and displaying nature in order to develop new and perspectives on the past and the present.

Page brings together an entirely new corpus of projects from , , , , , , and that engage critically and creatively with forms as diverse as the , , atlases created by travellers to the , the and composed by eighteenth- and nineteenth-century , and the designed for .

Access this OA title for free or get a hard copy at

#outnow #oa #decolonial #ecologies #naturalhistory #LatinAmerican #art #contemporary #artists #latinamerica #historical #aesthetic #political #artistic #argentina #brazil #Chile #Colombia #ecuador #mexico #peru #medieval #bestiary #baroque #cabinetsofcuriosities #european #NewWorld #floras #herbaria #naturalists #Dioramas #museums

Last updated 1 year ago

Estelle Platini · @estelle
132 followers · 193 posts · Server

" is not saying that people in positions of privilege should never engage WITH marginalized voices, but first and foremost, we need to be wary of any privileged intellectual's claim to know or speak FOR the ‘Other’. Second, because of structural disadvantages, it’s extremely difficult to find instances where marginalized (subaltern) women can in fact insert themselves into public conversation authoritatively without mediation. The 'subaltern as woman' may literally be able to SPEAK, but those mediating factors -- institutional gatekeepers who police what is thinkable or sayable, privileged actors who are motivated by their own self-interest, and many others -- mean that we may not ever be able to HEAR her voice directly."

"Can the Subaltern Speak?" in Plain English:

#spivak #decolonial #postcolonial #book

Last updated 1 year ago

Chris · @muir
143 followers · 798 posts · Server


"If we are serious about developing a revolutionary, -imperialist, -capitalist, and alternative to the exploitative current state of global affairs, we then must look beyond authoritarian nation-states and stronger local bourgeois, and towards the self-action of common people around the world and their potential for transnational cooperation. First step in this direction is being able to listen to what the grassroots of each locality are actually saying, and offer them our solidarity and support when resisting neo-colonial and neo-imperialist aggression." - Yavor Tarinski


#anticolonialism #directdemocracy #anti #decolonial

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1627 followers · 21147 posts · Server
Revue Terrestres · @terrestres
652 followers · 75 posts · Server

Le « tournant ontologique », se construisait autour de la proposition suivante: les différences ne sont pas simplement différentes perspectives sur le même monde, mais des différences de monde. Néanmoins ces approches n’ont-elles pas perdu de vue les rapports de pouvoir ? Telle est la thèse d’un livre écrit par l’anthropologue Christine Chivallon, qui, pour répondre à cette impasse, propose le concept d’« inhumain ».

#anthropologie #decolonial #philosophie #colonisation

Last updated 1 year ago

Julien Benedetti · @macgraveur
402 followers · 1198 posts · Server

Offre de stage : documentation de la médiathèque de et rédaction de balades numériques dans Marseille (post-)colonial avec @telemme et Ancrages

#decolonial #archives #marsimperium

Last updated 1 year ago