Faire #Schokolade ?
" #Decolonize #Chocolate 2“ zeigt, wie der Traum einer eigenen Schokoladenfabrik direkt neben den Kakaoplantagen in Ghana für #fairafric Wirklichkeit wird. Der Film gewährt besondere Einblicke in den Bau der Fabrik und in die Lebenssituation der Farmer*innen, Mitarbeiter*innen und deren Familien. Außerdem befasst er sich mit Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit, Geschlechtergleichberechtigung und Kinderarbeit im Kakaoanbau in Afrika.
#schokolade #decolonize #chocolate #fairafric
Notice: I am NOT suggesting non-Indigenous, non-BIPOC people post with most of these hashtags. Follow, ally, educate yourself, etc. but don’t appropriate is always good advice for allies.
Using and following hashtags are a critical part of the Fediverse experience. This is a list of the hashtags I recommend all Indigenous people use and follow.
#afroindigenous #bipoc #blackmastodon #changethename #decolonization #decolonize #defendthesacred #firstnations
#Lesenswert @HenningMelber: Koloniale Amnesie. Deutschland und die Schmusedecke des Halb-Erinnerns. linksnet.de/artikel/48660 #BuriedMemories #MuseumNeukoelln #Decolonize #Berlin @GUnrecht @KirstenKrampe
#lesenswert #buriedmemories #museumneukoelln #decolonize #berlin
NI 545 - September/October, 2023. #Decolonize now! Confronting the impact of empire is not about getting stuck in the past, writes Amy Hall. It’s vital to how we build a better future.
Arise, #Vatniks of the Earth!
The death of #Russian hero* #Prigozhin has no influence on the campaign to #decolonize #Africa!
A military coup has taken the powerful nation of #Gabon from the clutches of it's democratically elected president! #blm
* After his death he's a hero again.
#vatniks #russian #prigozhin #decolonize #africa #gabon #blm
In the #Wagner ranks? They are quite hated in #ukraine , but anything is possible in these areas. More trouble than they are worth I’d say, but maybe like the Freedom of Russia Legion.
They are quite strong and have a hard to see/control network in #Africa. I guess #Lukashenko and the #Kremlin hope they will disappear there, together with the #Russian #blm / #decolonize efforts.
#wagner #ukraine #africa #lukashenko #kremlin #russian #blm #decolonize
a great resource, a must read for settlers on Turtle Island.
#landBack #landBackIsNotAMetaphor #decolonize #decolonization
#decolonization #decolonize #landbackisnotametaphor #Landback
If your justice doesn't include our most vulnerable, then it's not justice. It's oppression tied in a pretty little bow, because the moment you exclude our most vulnerable from your justice is the moment you become an oppressor of them.
"Leaders who do not act dialogically, but insist on imposing their decisions, do not organize the people–they manipulate them. They do not liberate, nor are they liberated: they oppress."
What is dialogue? As Paulo Freire goes on to say, "Dialogue is the encounter between people, mediated by the world, in order to name the world. Hence, dialogue cannot occur between those who want to name the world and those who do not wish this naming—between those who deny others the right to speak their word and those whose right to speak has been denied them. Those who have been denied their primordial right to speak their word must first reclaim this right and prevent the continuation of this dehumanizing aggression."
Ignoring and silencing our most vulnerable from your justice movements is denying our right to speak and be heard. It is dehumanizing and oppressive.
Who is our most vulnerable?
Disabled people of any race.
Disabled people of any gender.
Disabled people of any sexual orientation.
And of these groups, Black trans queer disabled people are often hit the hardest by the multiplicity of oppressive systems, and are our most vulnerable of all within the disabled people category.
If you don't include disabled people in your justice organizing, then you're the oppressor and you're not doing justice.
How do you include us?
1. Engage us in dialogue as equals to yourself.
2. Treat us with dignity and respect.
3. Self-reflect on your biases that may be influenced by the ableism society socialized into all of us.
4. Dismantle ableism within yourself.
5. BE ACCESSIBLE. If you don't know how, ASK US. We know what is best and often have tools to help or know people that can help set it up.
6. Recognize that making something accessible means you are now making it more inclusive to more people and more equitable in the long-run.
7. Include us in decision-making trees, and respect our opinions. Value them and us.
#Justice #DisabilityJustice #LeaveNoOneBehind #Disabled #Intersectional #Decolonize
#justice #DisabilityJustice #leavenoonebehind #disabled #intersectional #decolonize
Decolonizing Your Diet Has a Whole Host of Amazing Benefits
#health #diet #nutrition #food #decolonize #decolonizeyourdiet
#Health #diet #nutrition #Food #decolonize #decolonizeyourdiet
"Woke" isn't being weaponized against the global majority:
#Decolonize #DismantleWhiteSupremacy #DeconstructWhiteness #WhiteFragilityKills
#decolonize #dismantlewhitesupremacy #deconstructwhiteness #whitefragilitykills
Received this extremely dope belated birthday gift. Can't wait to dive in
Great podcast conversation by Medicine for the Resistance (I listen while cooking dinner 😁). @daanis & Kerry Goring chatting with
@paulettesteeves about her book, "The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere" . Touching on the power relationships between academic and political institutions of colonial governments. I challenge all students & faculty of #archaeology & #anthropology to listen.
#archaeology #anthropology #decolonize #indigenoussovereignty
@olireiv yes indeed. #Indigenous communities are often exploited first and worst. #decolonize #biodiversity #water
#water #biodiversity #decolonize #indigenous
Today is Cadence Bank's deadline to decide whether to issue a $20 million loan for the construction of Cop City. Can you call Cadence at 662-680-2008, and demand them to REJECT THE LOAN?
Cadence Bank has previously financed Cop City, but rumor has it they are unsure if the project is still viable. They know when Cop City is stopped, the Atlanta Police Foundation will likely go bankrupt and default on all their loans. It's time to go all out to demand Cadence Bank deny the loan, which has simply become too risky.
Can you make a call to Cadence Bank and tell them to deny their risky $20 million loan for Cop City? It takes 1 minute: 662-680-2008
More details in the flyer below, from Honor The Earth. Call 662-680-2008, and boost this post to your networks so we can get more calls in today!
@AtlSolFund @defendATLforest @UnicornRiot
#StopCopCity #DefendAtlantaForest #solidarity #organizing #activism #antifascist #decolonize #abolition #support #help #campaign #Atlanta #ATL #CopCity #Welaunee
#StopCopCity #DefendAtlantaForest #solidarity #Organizing #activism #antifascist #decolonize #Abolition #support #help #campaign #atlanta #atl #CopCity #Welaunee
I'm thinking about a story/media to explain and antithesize the legacy of Christian missions and colonial culture — from present day, back to the roots of universalist religion missions and place-based religious cultures, and returning to the present *dis-placed* world we live in to explore we go from here. Can you recommend any people who would be good to collaborate on this? Anybody interested in collaborating or thinking through this together? (A big influence was the historical analysis around "God is Red" on The Red Nation podcast with @NickEstes and @NewAmauta: https://directory.libsyn.com/episode/index/show/therednation/id/22814192, as well as Vine Deloria Jr's "The World We Used to Live In", which led me to that podcast episode)
Posted on Groundtalk: https://groundtalk.land/#2023-07-30T15:35:18.889+00:00
#colonization #decolonize #anticolonial #religion #place #story #storytelling #media #writing #pagan #MoreThanHuman #ontology #localization #culture #history #anthropology #church #Indigenous #Germanic #Slavic #philosophy #cultural #extraction #liberalism #neoliberalism
#colonization #decolonize #anticolonial #religion #place #story #storytelling #media #writing #pagan #moreThanHuman #ontology #localization #culture #history #anthropology #church #indigenous #germanic #slavic #philosophy #cultural #extraction #liberalism #neoliberalism
As an excellent example, the convergence of an XR chapter with a local squatters movement. The climate activists recognizing the synergy of place-based "generative refusal" (Leanne Simpson) with the squatters, and getting involved in place-based resistance and a strategic material intervention to change the system in that city. Same story with Atlanta and #StopCopCity ...
... whose work has resulted in hundreds of people — including the middle class people and workers, who seem so elusive to other climate movements — getting involved in mass protest and advocating abolitionist and ecological perspectives to local government. Example here, from a firefighter in Atlanta talking abolition perspectives to the government:
"If you listen to any of the #StopCopCity public comment, you can hear how deeply abolitionist frameworks have taken root––so many people, whether identifying as abolitionists or not, articulated a vision of safety dependent on resources and relationships, rather than policing." — @micahinatl
(Posted on Groundtalk here: https://groundtalk.land/#2023-07-30T12:31:19.48+00:00)
#climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #ClimateActivism #StopCopCity #LandDefense #WaterProtector #XR #ExtinctionRebellion #squat #autonomous #abolition #atlanta #movement #MovementBuilding #MutualAid #strategy #organizing #activism #anarchy #anarchists #solidarity #pagan #antifa #decolonize #DualPower #labor #MiddleClass #workers #unions
#StopCopCity #climate #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climateactivism #LandDefense #WaterProtector #XR #extinctionrebellion #squat #Autonomous #Abolition #atlanta #movement #movementbuilding #MutualAid #strategy #Organizing #activism #anarchy #anarchists #solidarity #pagan #antifa #decolonize #dualpower #labor #middleclass #workers #Unions
Buckle up folks! @benjiedlp and Miloš N. Mladenović serve up some piping hot truth about transport planning. Not your typical informal transport webinar recording.
#informaltransport #transportation #decolonize #decolonize #video #webinar
#informaltransport #transportation #decolonize #video #webinar