Anxiety engulfs the White Hut following the President's ultimatum: find a word to replace #decoupling for China strategy.
How do Frank Upperwood and his aides come to their final pick? #derisking
#ParodyShow #HouseofCuts #Huawei
#decoupling #derisking #parodyshow #houseofcuts #huawei
Peter Schiff Says US Can’t Afford to Decouple From China — Warns of Dollar Collapse - Economist Peter Schiff has warned that the U.S. cannot afford to decouple from Chi... - https://news.bitcoin.com/peter-schiff-says-us-cant-afford-to-decouple-from-china-warns-of-dollar-collapse/ #peterschiffchinausdecoupling #chinausdecoupling #peterschiffchina #chinausrelation #peterschiff #decoupling #economics #chinavus
#chinavus #economics #decoupling #peterschiff #chinausrelation #peterschiffchina #chinausdecoupling #peterschiffchinausdecoupling
Building on my recent #Latour post: scholars of #modernity often propose two successive phases, where recent is "liquid" (Bauman) vs. earlier "solid," "reflexive" (Giddens/Beck et al.) vs. classic, etc. But, building on Latour, there never was a "solid," classic modernity; it's just how modernity has represented itself. So what, then, of #ecomodernism, which unabashedly invokes classic modernity? Minimally, a key ecomodernist tenet, #decoupling, is in need of better #theory.
#Latour #modernity #ecomodernism #decoupling #theory
Seeing #KimYongUn celebrating his birthday with #Russia's inept minister of self-damage #SergeiShoigu and #CCP politbureau member #LiHongzhong goes to show how #China is actively siding with pariah states such as Putin's Mordor and #NorthKorea.
We all should take notice, and we all should take action and reduce dependance. #decoupling
PS: Who else thinks of the bullies of Simpsons when reading these news?
#kimyongun #russia #sergeishoigu #ccp #lihongzhong #china #northkorea #decoupling
While backstabbing old bastard #HenryKissinger is still brown-nosing the ghoulish #CCP in Beijing and keeps blabbering on about win-win-cooperations, Chinese state-run media are putting ALL the blame for the deteriorated relations on the #UnitedStates only.
Now is this crap regime more immature or more insecure, I ask?
PS, #derisking only equals #decoupling if #China continues to act like a gargantuan asshole.
PPS Get your #business out of China as long as you can.
#fucktheCCP #FarEast
#henrykissinger #ccp #unitedstates #derisking #decoupling #china #business #FucktheCCP #fareast
Turns out something has decoupled from GDP growth! It’s … oh. Human health has decoupled. Human health is no longer increasing with GDP growth.
#decoupling #economics #health
Proper Decoupling Capacitors - If you’ve been building circuits for any length of time, you probably know you nee... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/12/proper-decoupling-capacitors/ #decouplingcapacitors #decoupling #pcbhacks #parts #pcb
#pcb #parts #pcbhacks #decoupling #decouplingcapacitors
New #learning unit available in our Network eAcademy: "Protocols: #RESTCONF".
Building on the datastore concepts in NETCONF, RESTCONF allows users to automate their #network infrastructure using familiar RESTful API patterns.
Read more & follow the unit 👉 https://connect.geant.org/2023/07/10/new-learning-unit-in-the-network-eacademy-protocols-restconf
👤 Trainer: Aleksandra Dedinec – UKIM
🛤️ Part of the #Decoupling and #Integration track
⏳ Course duration: 2 hours
#protocols #YANG #Orchestration #Automation #Virtualisation #Research #Education #Networking #Training
#training #networking #Education #Research #virtualisation #automation #orchestration #yang #protocols #integration #decoupling #network #restconf #learning
EU leaders talk China de-risking, but will they start walking? https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/eu-leaders-talk-china-de-risking-but-will-they-start-walking/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #derisking #decoupling #EconomyBrief #EUChina #EUChinatrade
#derisking #decoupling #economybrief #euchina #euchinatrade
EU leaders talk China de-risking, but will they start walking? https://www.euractiv.com/section/economy-jobs/news/eu-leaders-talk-china-de-risking-but-will-they-start-walking/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #derisking #decoupling #EconomyBrief #EUChina #EUChinatrade
#derisking #decoupling #economybrief #euchina #euchinatrade
De-Risking From China Will Destroy Western Economies, Think Tank Founder Warns - The founder of a German-based political and economic think tank has cautioned that... - https://news.bitcoin.com/de-risking-from-china-will-destroy-western-economies-think-tank-founder-warns/ #helgazepp-larouche #schillerinstitute #de-riskingchina #decouplingchina #janetyellen #de-risking #decoupling #economics #derisking #brics
#brics #derisking #economics #decoupling #janetyellen #decouplingchina #de #schillerinstitute #helgazepp
Patreon文章<金融投資脫鈎現象浮現>: https://shorturl.at/clIR4
著名美國風險投資基金紅杉資本(Sequoia Capital)把公司一分為三,3間公司分別投資北美和歐洲、中國以及印度和東南亞的公司。這個決定反映一個現象:中美之間的投資交流開始出現脫鈎 #decoupling 現象,特別是科技業,同時在中國和美國擁有龐大投資並獲取厚利的年代已經結束。
#Decoupling from China and taking political distance from the Asian country would be more dangerous than beneficial for the European Union (#EU), a recent op-ed in the German magazine Spiegel has said.
#Decoupling in an attempt to reduce European dependency on #China would create more risks than it would eliminate, the op-ed claimed.
マスク氏が訪中、外相と会談 「デカップリングや供給網分断に反対」:朝日新聞デジタル
#elonmusk #china #tesla #twitter #spacex #supplychain #decoupling
#decoupling #supplychain #SpaceX #Twitter #Tesla #China #ElonMusk
My latest post, about a post about #decoupling of #GDP and #CO2emissions, and the discussions that ensued…
(which got more engagement on @LinkedIn than any of my posts in recent memory)
#co2emissions #gdp #decoupling
@jsnell #China #Apple #Decoupling
China: Decoupling is just going to happen - by Noah Smith
Interesting stuff on how it’s in China’s interest to decouple & if there is a war, the least that is going to happen is nationalisation of foreign companies. So if you stay you will lose it all.
Patreon文章<「去風險化」如何不是「脫鈎斷鏈」?(G7版)>: https://bit.ly/42Wf1Y1
G7領袖廣島峰會聲明中跟中國最相關的部份是「經濟靭性和經濟安全」,內容隻字不提「中國」,但涉及最核心的題目:脫鈎 #decoupling
聲明講明,G7不尋求跟中國「脫鈎」,只是尋求「去風險化」 #derisking ,但去風險化一定是跟中國脫鈎。
西方與中國不能立即脫鈎,因為即時完全放棄「世界工廠」的話,震盪太大。所以,西方政商界對是否跟中國切割猶豫不決,意見分歧。這解釋了歐盟執委會主席馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)為何想出「去風險化」這種包攬各種想法的外交用辭,這是不同意見都能接受的最大公約數。
Analysts Consider US National Security Policy a Pretext to Establish Trade Sanctions Against Other Countries - International analysts have called out the supposed use of the national security p... - https://news.bitcoin.com/analysts-consider-us-national-security-policy-a-pretext-to-establish-trade-sanctions/ #nationalsecurity #cavinceadhere #u.s.sanctions #garyhufbauer #janetyellen #decoupling #wangwenbin #economics #economy
#economy #economics #wangwenbin #decoupling #janetyellen #garyhufbauer #u #cavinceadhere #nationalsecurity
Europa e USA incrementano gli investimenti in fondi Esg. Europa all’avanguardia sui fondi Esg. Paradossi e anomalie. Il Vecchio continente si sta dimostrando ancora più determinato di Washington nell’interrompere ogni relazione economico-strategica con la Federazione Russa.
In atto un decoupling, in merito alle tematiche ambientali, sociali e di governance (Esg),
#assetdimercato #assetmanagers #assetowners #decarbonizzazione #decoupling #fondiEsg #investmentstages
#assetdimercato #assetmanagers #assetowners #decarbonizzazione #decoupling #fondiesg #investmentstages
Alas, a society cannot advance - a civilization cannot advance materially, economically if there is no cheap and abundant #energy (aka #fossilFuels).
Thus, a society cannot advance - a civilization cannot advance materially, economically without emitting #CO2 and destroying the stability of the #climate.
There is no #decoupling between economy #growth, #resources consumption and #pollution growth.
#pollution #resources #growth #decoupling #climate #co2 #fossilfuels #energy