Former Vancouver mayor Kennedy Stewart reflects on drug decriminalization and electoral defeat in new memoir, #Decrim. #vanpoli #bcpoli #canpoli #CityNewsBookshelf
#decrim #vanpoli #bcpoli #canpoli #citynewsbookshelf
Just as a reminder of where Irish public opinion currently sits:
•70% support legalisation of currently illegal drugs for medicinal use.
•54% support legalisation of weed for recreational use.
#decrim #drugreform #irishpolitics #ireland
As Ireland's Citizen Assembly on Drug Use continues their deliberations, it's great to see Scotland pushing for decriminalisation of personal use.
Hoping that Ireland moves towards this model which has been proven to work in Portugal and other countries.
#ireland #decrim #citizensassembly #scotland #druguse #drugreform
#drugreform #druguse #scotland #citizensassembly #decrim #ireland
RT @unadunphy: The contrived trouble around this plant has had it's day. Time for a grown up comprehensive conversation. Watch for those ho have an interest in the status quo, lots of medics, guards and legal peeps. Seek out the truth. Stop the misery. #CADrugsUse #Decrim #Regulate
This could finally be Ireland's chance to decriminalise all drugs and legalise weed.
Weed legalisation must be done correctly:
•Over 21's
•Max THC and Min CBD legislated
•No advertising
•Sold only by non-profit clubs & co-ops
Also I love how much Ireland has embraced non-hierarchical, deliberative & democratic citizens assemblies!
#decrim #weed #ireland #irishpolitics #LegaliseMarijuana #drugdecrim #publichealth #legaliseweed
#legaliseweed #publichealth #drugdecrim #legalisemarijuana #irishpolitics #ireland #weed #decrim
Protect #decrim. Speak out against “involuntary treatment” (I know it’s hard to believe, but this is real)
TW prison depiction in cartoon
Protect #decrim. Speak out against “involuntary treatment” (I know it’s hard to believe, but this is real)
RT @pic_amsterdam
Such a great message from the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health @drtlaleng 🙌
#Decrim #SexWorkIsWork
RT @NatalieORegan1: 🧵Ireland's Drug Policy 2023
Thread will be added to as the year progresses.
#decrim #CannabisReformIreland
Garth Mullins of Crackdown Podcast on CBC talking about the “diet decrim” now in place in BC. #drugs #decrim #vancouver
Leo Varadkar has "no view" on the legalisation of cannabis and says it will be left to a Citizens' Assembly.
It’s rare indeed for politicians who rely on the electorate’s vote to support making things/behaviours that are already illegal, legal, unless they know for sure that the public supports change. A bottom up people’s movement for change needed.
#CannabisReformIreland #decrim #EndProhibition
#endprohibition #decrim #CannabisReformIreland
Almost 2 people per day die in Ireland as a result of a drug-related death. Criminalisation of the drug user is not working. It's time to consider a policy of #Decrim Decriminalisation of the user does not mean legalisation of drugs.
Snow Place Like Home
#Cycling #yyj #yyjpoli #bcpoli
Is this how we should treat people?
#PovertyInflicted #SocialHousingCrisis #Homeless
Where is the #Housing & #MentalHealth Supports & #SafeSupply & #Decrim & #BasicIncome ⁉️ ...where is the compassion?
#cycling #yyj #yyjpoli #bcpoli #povertyinflicted #socialhousingcrisis #homeless #housing #mentalhealth #safesupply #decrim #basicincome
Snow Place Like Home
#Cycling #yyj #yyjpoli #bcpoli
Is this how we should treat people?
#PovertyInflicted #SocialHousingCrisis #Homeless
Where is the #Housing & #MentalHealth Supports & #SafeSupply & #Decrim & #BasicIncome ⁉️ ...where is the compassion?
#cycling #yyj #yyjpoli #bcpoli #povertyinflicted #socialhousingcrisis #homeless #housing #mentalhealth #safesupply #decrim #basicincome
RT @MartinsWorld420: Our ignorant prohibitionist drug policies are responsible for more deaths than any single drug. The only sensible approach to reduce harm is to #regulate & #educate
#decrim #RepealGlobalDrugProhibition
#regulate #educate #decrim #RepealGlobalDrugProhibition
RT @ReLeaf19: Yesterday Headlines just shows the ignorance of the Irish justice system. One country return hemp & compo est 10million. While another refuses to adhere to EU .
Why @lukeming @HMcEntee are the Irish treated differently.
#Decrim #CannabisCommunity
#CannabisReformIreland #decrim #CannabisCommunity
RT @NatalieORegan1: Cannabis reform is beyond overdue.
We need an open and honest conversation.
#CannabisReformIreland #WhatAboutUs #decrim
RT @NatalieORegan1: I have gotten numerous questions over the last few weeks about the Adult Caution Scheme.
Long read coming tomorrow morning on @TheCannabisRev2
3 Strikes You're Out: Irelands Adult Caution Scheme.
#CannabisReformIreland #decrim
Wir begrüßen die Entscheidung von Nord Irland,
Abtreibung und gleichgeschlechtliche Ehen nicht mehr unter Strafe zu stellen.
Zeit auch Sexarbeit zu entkriminalisieren!
/Jo #decrim #sexarbeit