Can we please, please, just decriminalise all personal use of drugs (including home growing/ processing for personal use), and get rid of the racist prohibition system the Misuse of Drugs Act continues to maintain?
"But while the overall numbers are down, the discrimination has increased. For the first time, Māori now make up more than half of drug prosecutions."
#chrisfowlie #aotearoa #nz #druglawreform #decriminalization
Global News BC: It’s been more than 6 months of drug decriminalization in B.C. What’s changed? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #mentalhealthandaddiction #PoisonedDrugSupply #BCCoronersService #decriminalization #illicitdrugsupply #BCoverdosecrisis #BCOpioidCrisis #OpioidCrisis #Politics #Fentanyl #Health #VANDU
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #mentalhealthandaddiction #PoisonedDrugSupply #BCCoronersService #decriminalization #illicitdrugsupply #BCoverdosecrisis #bcopioidcrisis #OpioidCrisis #politics #fentanyl #health #vandu
Global News BC: Nelson, B.C. passes bylaw banning drug use in 12 public places #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #nelsondecriminalization #DrugDecriminalization #nelsondrugusebylaw #decriminalization #toxicdrugcrisis #nelsondruguse #nelsonbylaw #toxicdrugs #Overdose #Health #nelson #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nelsondecriminalization #drugdecriminalization #nelsondrugusebylaw #decriminalization #toxicdrugcrisis #nelsondruguse #nelsonbylaw #toxicdrugs #overdose #health #nelson #crime
One of the common tricks of newspaper editors is to bury the crucial point of the story that undermines the entire framing of the article, and only mention it in the last section.
#news #decriminalization #drugPolicy #defundThePolice (1/6) 🧵
#news #decriminalization #DrugPolicy #defundthepolice
#Bidenomics makes no progress towards the #Decriminalization of #Cannabis, unfortunately.
#cannabis #decriminalization #Bidenomics
Scenes From a City That Only Hands Out Tickets for Using Fentanyl
Oregon’s experiment to curb overdoses by decriminalizing small amounts of illicit drugs is in its third year, and life has changed for most everyone in the city of Portland. #portland #fentanyl #decriminalization
#portland #fentanyl #decriminalization
Mastercard Move at Cannabis Shops Intensifies Call for US Decriminalization
#MastercardCannabis #Decriminalization #US #CannabisShops #Intensifies #Call #Politics #News
#mastercardcannabis #decriminalization #us #cannabisshops #intensifies #call #politics #news
Sex workers march to Lamola’s office over decriminalisation bill #SouthAfrica #Sexwork #decriminalization
#southafrica #sexwork #decriminalization
#Scotland Calls On #UK To End ‘Failed’ Drug War With #Decriminalization And Harm Reduction Approach
#decriminalization #uk #scotland
NSP 49 Available Everywhere :agorism_heart:
We spoke with Kaytlin Bailey of Old Pros on sex work stigma, misogyny, SWERFs, & the need for full #decriminalization.
Check it out!
#nonserviammedia #anarchism #anarchafeminism #feminism #sexwork #sexworkers
#decriminalization #nonserviammedia #anarchism #anarchafeminism #feminism #sexwork #sexworkers
Article 377 Decriminalization And NCERT Unable To Deal With It Effectively For Schools
we discuss the recent decriminalization of Article 377 and explore how the CBSE and NCERT are struggling to effectively address the changes in schools.#Article377 #Decriminalization #CBSE #NCERT #Schools #Education #India #LGBTQ+ #equality #podcast #new #bbcindia #educationsystem #education #future #career #educational
#article377 #decriminalization #cbse #Ncert #schools #education #india #lgbtq #equality #podcast #new #bbcindia #educationsystem #future #career #educational
Article 377 Decriminalization And CBSE And NCERT Unable To Deal With It Effectively For Schools
In this video, we discuss the recent decriminalization of Article 377 and explore how the CBSE and NCERT are struggling to effectively address the changes in schools.
#Article377 #Decriminalization #CBSE #NCERT #Schools #Education #India #LGBTQ+ #equality
#podcast #new #bbcindia #educationsystem #education #future #career #educational
#article377 #decriminalization #cbse #Ncert #schools #education #india #lgbtq #equality #podcast #new #bbcindia #educationsystem #future #career #educational
Article 377 Decriminalization And CBSE And NCERT Unable To Deal With It Effectively For Schools
In this video, we discuss the recent decriminalization of Article 377 and explore how the CBSE and NCERT are struggling to effectively address the changes in schools.
#Article377 #Decriminalization #CBSE #NCERT #Schools #Education #India #LGBTQ+ #equality
#podcast #new #bbcindia #educationsystem #education #future #career #educational
#article377 #decriminalization #cbse #Ncert #schools #education #india #lgbtq #equality #podcast #new #bbcindia #educationsystem #future #career #educational
Article 377 Decriminalization And CBSE And NCERT Unable To Deal With It Effectively For Schools
n this video, we discuss the recent decriminalization of Article 377 and explore how the CBSE and NCERT are struggling to effectively address the changes in schools. #Article377 #Decriminalization #CBSE #NCERT #Schools #Education #India #LGBTQ+ #equality #podcast #new #bbcindia #educationsystem #education #future #career #educational
#article377 #decriminalization #cbse #Ncert #schools #education #india #lgbtq #equality #podcast #new #bbcindia #educationsystem #future #career #educational
United Nations Experts And Global Leaders Call For International #Drug #Decriminalization On ‘World Drug Day’
#Denton Police have cited a disproportionate number of people of color since the Proposition B passage. #decriminalization
Arresting people because the drugs we're holding for personal use are bad (mmm'kay?), is like arresting people for the cake in our pantry because it's unhealthy. It really annoys me that Labour didn't listen to us and make the referendum a 2 part question, one on recreational use, one on recreational sales. Also that they didn't go ahead with decrim despite the result, because the referendum they ran wasn't about that.
#cannabis #druglawreform #decriminalization
Global News BC: Province-wide approach to regulating public drug use coming, B.C. premier says #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #DrugDecriminalization #parksandplaygrounds #decriminalization #OverdoseCrisis #PublicDrugUse #OpenDrugUse #DrugCrisis #safesupply #toxicdrugs #Overdose #Health #Crime #Drugs
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #drugdecriminalization #parksandplaygrounds #decriminalization #OverdoseCrisis #publicdruguse #opendruguse #drugcrisis #safesupply #toxicdrugs #overdose #health #crime #drugs
Global News BC: Police arrest man operating mobile hard drugs store in Vancouver #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #decriminalizationdrugsstore #b.c.decriminalization #vancouverdrugsarrest #vancouverdrugsstore #decriminalization #illegaldrugsstore #drugsstorearrest #harddrugsstore #TheDrugsStore #safesupply #Cocaine #Health #Heroin #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #decriminalizationdrugsstore #b #vancouverdrugsarrest #vancouverdrugsstore #decriminalization #illegaldrugsstore #drugsstorearrest #harddrugsstore #thedrugsstore #safesupply #cocaine #health #heroin #crime
I'm not an expert on #addiction, #decriminalization, and #overose fatalities. But I know that other people are. And an election is exactly the time to talk about life and death issues. #Toronto has requested that drugs be decriminalized to encourage and facilitate treatment. Any mayoral candidate who says this shouldn't be a political issue is disqualifying themselves.That's why I keep talking about the importance of #democracy in Toronto. Voters can solve problems if they're allowed.
#addiction #decriminalization #overose #toronto #democracy