#Sexwork or #prostitution? | Lori Watson --
Is #sex #work actually work? Is prostitution always a form of #exploitation? And show we #legalize or #decriminalize prostitution?
#sexwork #prostitution #sex #work #exploitation #legalize #decriminalize
@the @cpoliticditto Yeah, sadly #Germany has yet to #decriminalize #VictimlessCrimes the same way...
Personally, I just prefer chilling sober but that's my decision.
If it wasn't illegal, I'd gladly accompany people on their trips so that in case it doesn't go as nice as they thought, someone is able and willing to intervene and do the little things that make it better...
Even if that means handing them a pillow and blanket or a glass of water...
#victimlesscrimes #decriminalize #Germany
Replace all instances of "without a license" so they read "without government permission" because that's what it is to #legalize something as opposed to #decriminalize it.
You've one more day to write a protest letter against the Sex Work Regulation act! Example letters in English et Español: https://redinsight.org/articles/wrs-nee-damn-honey
"Right now, the legislative proposal Sex Work Regulation act is in consultation. That means the Dutch government is asking the people what they think of this law. So for sex workers and allies, this is the time to speak out against these laws. ... the WRS is terrible. It means that many sex workers in the Netherlands will be criminalised and it will become almost impossible for us to work safely or go to the police when [we] experience violence. ... "
#sexworkersright #sexworkiswork #WRSNEE #decriminalize
Voor 1 van deze wetsvoorstellen is vandaag de laatste dag dat je kunt reageren:
"Op dit moment zijn er twee anti-sekswerkerrechten wetsvoorstellen in consultatie. Dat betekent dat de overheid aan de bevolking vraagt wat ze van die wet vinden. Voor sekswerkers en allies is dit dus het moment om je uit te spreken tegen deze wetsvoorstellen. Hoe?
Hieronder vind je vier voorbeeldbrieven. In de brieven staan argumenten die de verschillende sekswerkorganisaties binnen de SWAD het belangrijkst vinden."
#Sekswerk #SekswerkIsWerk #privacy #EndStigma #decriminalize #DecrimNow
#Sekswerk #sekswerkiswerk #privacy #endstigma #decriminalize #decrimnow
Lawsuit: Mentally ill man froze to death in Alabama jail https://apnews.com/article/emergency-care-prisons-legal-proceedings-alabama-lawsuits-be0cbc6e970b7d709ea4af453c9af6ee My takeaway is, don't call the cops to do a wellness check. Important to read, but graphic and disturbing. 😢 #Decriminalize #MentalHealth
The #WarOnDrugs continues to kill. We must #decriminalize, and provide reliable and #SafeAccess and use to drugs, rather than ripping away one of the only supports so many people have. #HarmReductionNow
#warondrugs #decriminalize #safeaccess #HarmReductionNow
@dwnews_bot the problem is that the #Netherlands didn't #decriminalize all #drugs and espechally the remaining #EU & #EFTA sticks to bs. #prohibitions - regardless if drugs or guns.
Cuz #OrganizedCrime gets destroyed if #defunded - and that works best if the overhead of illegal operations isn't profitable due to #legal competition.
That's why you don't find any "underground breweries" in Germany: Cuz beer is legal and cheap.
#legal #defunded #organizedcrime #prohibitions #efta #EU #drugs #decriminalize #Netherlands
California State Senator Scott Wiener introduced #SenateBill58 Monday. The #legislation would #decriminalize possession and personal use of certain psychedelic drugs—including magic mushrooms, DMT, mescaline and ibogaine.
More details at this link: https://sfstandard.com/california/magic-mushrooms-dmt-mescaline-could-be-decriminalized-in-california/
📸: Juliana Yamada
#senatebill58 #legislation #decriminalize #mushrooms #DrugPolicy #california
At the very least we should #decriminalize possession of 10 day’s supply of a person’s drug of choice. At least that would keep young people out of #gladiatorschool for a while and give them a fighting chance at life. Unlike my home state:
#Florida has an incarceration rate of 795 per 100,000 people (including #prisons, #jails, immigration detention, and #juvenilejusticefacilities), meaning that it locks up a higher percentage of its people than any democracy on earth
#decriminalize #gladiatorschool #florida #prisons #jails #juvenilejusticefacilities
We absolutely must decriminalize sexting
Everything about this case is appalling, and none of this shit could ever have happened without an anonymous tip, which made do-gooders run around destroying everyone because they had to "protect" them.
#DecriminalizeSexting #Decriminalize #Sexting #appalling#anonymous #DoGooders #destroying #ColoradoSun #Brush #EasternColorado #Colorado
#appalling #dogooders #colorado #decriminalize #sexting #DecriminalizeSexting #destroying #coloradosun #brush #EasternColorado
#Legalize means that there should be a law regulating something.
#Decriminalize means that there shouldn't be any law illegalizing something.
#Decriminalize sex work, decriminalize abortions, decriminalize weed.
Canada to decriminalize some drugs in British Columbia for three years | Canada | The Guardian #canada #decriminalize #some #drugs #british #columbia #three #years #guardian #31maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudGhlZ3VhcmRpYW4uY29tL3dvcmxkLzIwMjIvbWF5LzMxL2NhbmFkYS1kZWNyaW1pbmFsaXplLWRydWdzLWJyaXRpc2gtY29sdW1iaWEtb3ZlcmRvc2Vz
#31maggio #guardian #years #three #columbia #british #drugs #some #decriminalize #canada