RubyRyder · @RubyRyder
25 followers · 33 posts · Server

Takes like this are ridiculous. Prostitution has been illegal in MANY places for GENERATIONS, and sex trafficking still happens.

Why can't we just let folks who want to engage in the business of economic sexual exchange do so AND work to stop trafficking?


Last updated 2 years ago

@brosandprose This is EXHAUSTING.

There has always been and will always be a market for sex work. Making it more dangerous and frustrating is so maddening.

"Sex workers face near-constant deplatforming, loss of income, and instability in their work as a result of discriminatory financial institutions and laws. Some have turned to crypto in recent years as a way around discrimination from traditional banks, and as a necessity as their options for finances online dwindle."


Last updated 2 years ago

Izzy · @izrd
14 followers · 24 posts · Server

I never actually did an for the so I'll say a bit about me and .

I'm Izzy, I like they/them pronouns best but any will do. I am and although I do like to just say I'm because it just feels right. I'm looking for more mutuals and good accounts to follow. Let's overshare a bit!

I'm a in and recovering from a bad and generally having a lot of health problems. I have (maybe ). I can't promise not to about . I'd my but I will be thankfully unconscious. I also deal with but mostly do okay because I am with as well as that I grow in my .

I will probably frequently post about and from my perspective. I support the rights of Queer and BIPOC Americans to arm themselves. A few more hashtags:

I feel like I forgot a bunch of stuff and I have a ton of interests and hobbies but that's a shitton of hashtags to start with.

#Introduction #twittermigration #hashtagmyheartout #nonbinary #bisexual #queer #millenial #coloradosprings #colorado #fracture #lowbonedensity #Arthritis #chronicpain #ibs #IBD #shitpost #diarrhea #LiveToot #colonoscopy #psychosis #depression #insomnia #anxietydisorder #panicattack #adhd #medicated #prescriptions #dank #cannabis #garden #copolitics #uspolitics #leftist #lgbtqia2s #queersbashback #MutualAid #housingisahumanright #proabortion #abortionrights #BodilyAutonomy #antifascist #blacklivesmatter #AntiRacist #transrights #humanrights #acab #decriminalizesexwork #sexworkisrealwork #workersrights #Unions #COpol #disability #chronicillness #accessibility #decriminalization #prisonabolition #criminaljusticereform #CovidIsntOver

Last updated 2 years ago

RubyRyder · @RubyRyder
10 followers · 8 posts · Server

The constant stigma, 'othering' and treating sex workers as if they are not human is what creates the social climate where behavior this egregiously lacking in compassion is acceptable. Sex workers are people, too.

#sexworkiswork #decriminalizesexwork #sexworkersrights

Last updated 2 years ago

Wotan, from Texas · @wotantx
11 followers · 84 posts · Server


To decriminalize sex work is to decriminalize choice, to decriminalize autonomy, and to decriminalize consent.



Last updated 2 years ago

17 Dicembre: giornata internazionale per porre fine alla violenza sullɜ sex worker.

Ho deciso di pubblicare oggi "Prostitute in rivolta" - capire il lavoro sessuale perché non credo che in Italia, attualmente, ci sia un libro che ti metta di fronte al fatto che quando si parla di violenza, quella dell'assassino è l'ultimo anello di una catena più lunga di violenza sistemica, istituzionalizzata e trasversale.

Io poi ci ho trovato dentro tantissime altre cose, volevo parlarvene un po'.

#endstigma #mastopost #sexworkerrightsarehumanrights #sexworkiswork #decriminalizesexwork #decrimnow

Last updated 2 years ago


Inernationaler Tag zur Beendigung der Gewalt an Sexarbeiter*innen.
"Ein Plädoyer für Gleichstellung aus Hurenperspektive."


#RotlichtAN #sexworkiswork #fightstigma #decriminalizesexwork

Last updated 2 years ago


has just decriminalized

Of course we knew this day would eventually come, but I guess many of us are floating in a cloud of happy stupor?

Full statement:


#sexworkiswork #decriminalizesexwork #DecrimNow #sexwork #southafrica

Last updated 2 years ago

Aimè Lilithe · @aimelilithe
142 followers · 756 posts · Server

Not great at these kinds of things, but here goes.

I am an something something (see I told you I am no good at these things) bouncing over here with the rest of the . I tend to retweet (reTOOT, now) more than craft my own posts, as I also tend to have a difficult time finding words. I find that others say it all so much better than I ever could.

Now for the rest of the hashtags:

+ (I'll likely add more as I go along, cos right now the brain can't grab them all). :blobcatpeekaboo:

#introduction #intro #disabled #nonbinary #twittermigration #Landback #BLM #lgbtqia #accessibilty #covidisntover #wearafuckingmask #ImmunoCompromised #trans #COVIDisAirborne #covid #transdayofremembrance #afab #tribalsovereignty #socialjustice #metoo #sexworkiswork #decriminalizesexwork #NEISvoid #adhd #ocpd #agoraphobic

Last updated 2 years ago

GrumpSec Spottycat · @kyhwana
346 followers · 4292 posts · Server

RT @DecrimQLD
Penguins get it 🐧☂️

Image from IG @constructivecrittercisms

#sexworkiswork #decrimqld #decrimnow #decriminalizesexwork

Last updated 5 years ago