@tiago And how much do they waste in house and at users ends by simulate a secure connection with a SSL cert connection while the fact is the connection is #decrypted and therefore is #insecure
Relates to https://infosec.exchange/@JerryMouse/110683982830974661
Woke up to some interesting news today. It would appear that the #HiveRansomware Gang has been taken down. https://www.scmagazine.com/analysis/ransomware/notice-on-hive-ransomware-site-claims-seizure-by-fbi-europol?external_id=HBwZ-n4B490LDY0Z-dKj&external_id_source=mrkto&mkt_tok=MTg4LVVOWi02NjAAAAGJjgDjxI7Quxnvn1dDKVtkFHU7zdk93j0TL7ocD2SwuAAcr1k2YbWxSGv7tfEHn6GOvCcebcAwc3X5co3AlFFNixo9Hty9BWX4VsvTCEiG_Q
I checked around some #DarkWeb forums, and it would appear this actually happened in a joint, international effort. The #USDOJ claims to have "hacked the hackers", took down their #TOR site, and have apparently #decrypted 1500 companies. If it sticks, this is a big win for the #GoodGuys. Bye bye #Hive!
#hiveransomware #darkweb #usdoj #tor #decrypted #goodguys #hive
Hackers Hit Romanian Hospital, Demand Bitcoin Ransom - A hospital in Romania has been targeted in a ransomware attack with the perpetrato... - https://news.bitcoin.com/hackers-hit-romanian-hospital-demand-bitcoin-ransom/ #cryptocurrencies #cryptocurrency #medicalrecords #ransomware #decrypted #encrypted #hospitals #database #hospital #romanian #bitcoin #hackers #hacking #records #romania #attack #crypto #ransom #files #news #data #hack
#hack #data #news #files #ransom #crypto #attack #romania #records #hacking #hackers #bitcoin #romanian #hospital #database #hospitals #encrypted #decrypted #ransomware #medicalrecords #cryptocurrency #cryptocurrencies