Spirillen · @spirillen
11 followers · 129 posts · Server ioc.exchange

@tiago And how much do they waste in house and at users ends by simulate a secure connection with a SSL cert connection while the fact is the connection is and therefore is

Relates to infosec.exchange/@JerryMouse/1

#decrypted #insecure

Last updated 1 year ago

Geekmaster 👽:system76: · @Geekmaster
136 followers · 1033 posts · Server ioc.exchange

Woke up to some interesting news today. It would appear that the Gang has been taken down. scmagazine.com/analysis/ransom

I checked around some forums, and it would appear this actually happened in a joint, international effort. The claims to have "hacked the hackers", took down their site, and have apparently 1500 companies. If it sticks, this is a big win for the . Bye bye !

#hiveransomware #darkweb #usdoj #tor #decrypted #goodguys #hive

Last updated 2 years ago

CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
295 followers · 8113 posts · Server schleuss.online