In #Australia you cannot walk into a computer store to buy a computer that is does basics of computing.
You **can** buy a glorified #communicationDevice with a keyboard however.
#deDevelopment #deDeveloped #australiaStayOut #stayOutOfAustralia #neoFeudalism #technoFeudalism
#australia #communicationDevice #dedevelopment #deDeveloped #australiaStayOut #stayOutOfAustralia #neofeudalism #technofeudalism
@alienghic @jgoerzen @F1RUM
To be clear, we say 'must remain' but is not remained. The entire notion of #computing is being de-developed, and it goes bad to #digitalColonialism and notions of #technoFeudalism we tend to refer to.
DVD and Bluray are things we should demand in our PCs. Full stop.
#computing #digitalcolonialism #technofeudalism #dedevelopment
Today we read that it was the surge of 5000 US personnel to #Afghanistan that actually triggered their people to fear more conflict and thus the refugee panic.
As #JulianAssange said about this conflict in about 2010, "Its just one damn thing after another".
#afghanistan #julianassange #oneDamnThingAfterAnother #USAGetOut #dedevelopment
The middle east was becoming as progressive as the rest, then on Sun Aug 15, 1971 #Nixon said, and we paraphrase, "we don't want to pay our debts that we accrue in #phonyWars (specifically #Vietnam), may the #moneyPrinterGoBrr."
They printed money to pay debts.
It was supposed to be temporary.
Keep this in mind as the "#atrocityStories" come forth from #Afghanistan. These cretins have money to burn in your face, and blow it up your own ass.
#nixon #phonyWars #vietnam #moneyPrinterGoBrr #atrocityStories #afghanistan #plunder #dedevelopment #homeToRoost