In you cannot walk into a computer store to buy a computer that is does basics of computing.

You **can** buy a glorified with a keyboard however.

#australia #communicationDevice #dedevelopment #deDeveloped #australiaStayOut #stayOutOfAustralia #neofeudalism #technofeudalism

Last updated 3 years ago

@alienghic @jgoerzen @F1RUM
To be clear, we say 'must remain' but is not remained. The entire notion of is being de-developed, and it goes bad to and notions of we tend to refer to.

DVD and Bluray are things we should demand in our PCs. Full stop.

#computing #digitalcolonialism #technofeudalism #dedevelopment

Last updated 3 years ago

Today we read that it was the surge of 5000 US personnel to that actually triggered their people to fear more conflict and thus the refugee panic.

As said about this conflict in about 2010, "Its just one damn thing after another".

#afghanistan #julianassange #oneDamnThingAfterAnother #USAGetOut #dedevelopment

Last updated 3 years ago

The middle east was becoming as progressive as the rest, then on Sun Aug 15, 1971 said, and we paraphrase, "we don't want to pay our debts that we accrue in (specifically ), may the ."

They printed money to pay debts.

It was supposed to be temporary.

Keep this in mind as the "" come forth from . These cretins have money to burn in your face, and blow it up your own ass.

#nixon #phonyWars #vietnam #moneyPrinterGoBrr #atrocityStories #afghanistan #plunder #dedevelopment #homeToRoost

Last updated 3 years ago