Andrew C · @achadwick
99 followers · 444 posts · Server

Forwarder in place. Now migrating my email folders to the new IMAP.

I was never an intricate labels user, but there will still be enough dups to make worthwhile, probably

#degoogle #imap #dedup

Last updated 1 year ago

DeaDSouL :fedora: · @DeaDSouL
266 followers · 458 posts · Server

I needed to remove all duplicates from ~/.bash_history, and since it contains the date and time for each command, I ended up with lots of dates and times with no commands (since they were duplicates and got removed).

And I didn't want to check 34k+ of lines manually. So, I wrote a Python script to solve that.

in case you're interested, here is the code:

#bash #history #bashhistory #python #duplicates #duplicate #dedup #code #python3 #linux #gnulinux

Last updated 1 year ago

Mike Gerdts · @mgerdts
91 followers · 155 posts · Server

@pyrox dedup happens at the pool level. The same blocks in different datasets will dedup.

Please keep in mind that has a reputation for being more of a resource hog than people expect. I believe there has been some work to improve this but haven’t kept close tabs on it.

#zfs #dedup

Last updated 2 years ago