Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
144 followers · 2586 posts · Server
Bin Chicken 🗑𓅠 · @BinChicken
229 followers · 1396 posts · Server

Exiled MP Moira Deeming delivers ultimatum to Victorian Liberal leader John Pesutto

My opinion is that John Pesutto is a gutless fool, and Moira Deeming should have been kicked-out of the Liberal Party for being a TERF and neo-nazi. Matthew "Lobster With A Mobster" Guy has always lacked the nouse to read the room, so it's no surprise at all that he's calling for "party unity" to defend a colleague who's a TERF and neo-nazi. Right now, Moira Deeming is doing what Moira Deeming does: having a tantrum to get noticed because she's an attention-starved egomaniac.

#auspol #springst #terf #moiradeeming #deeming #johnpesutto #pesutto #matthewguy #lobsterwithamobster

Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
143 followers · 2571 posts · Server
Ross B from the oaty sea · @rwba
311 followers · 2483 posts · Server

@kentparkstreet @Susan60 @Godfrey642 Maybe this Aston result will give them the confidence to gird their loins and execute good policy. I think the Libs are incapable, in their present iteration to wedge anybody. They have made themselves unelectable. They have been infested with the religious right and they therefore represent nobody. Well, not nobody exactly, but a minority of RWNJs.

There are few "moderates" in the Liberal party room these days. Branch stacking has ensured the ascendancy of the "Christian" right in the party. And Ms Deeming is an example of that group and what their agenda is. You know. That person that the Vic Libs, whose leader is moderate, couldn't manage to expel from the party recently. And that is what the party is up against at the moment.

#auspol #vicpol #deeming

Last updated 2 years ago

StephenC · @StephenC
289 followers · 3429 posts · Server

The massive loss by the Liberal Party in by election (first time a government has won a seat from the opposition in 100 years) is a huge slap down of the anti rubbish being spout by and the Christian right. An excellent punctuation to follow

#aston #trans #deeming #transawarenessweek

Last updated 2 years ago

VacuousNess · @VacuousNess
143 followers · 375 posts · Server

Moira MP (Liberal Vic) and Katherine (failed Fed Liberal) were in attendance amongst the hate mongers and proud Nazi’s outside Victorian Parliament yesterday.

Exactly how many Nazis / sympathisers are hiding amongst the state and federal ranks?

What exactly did my grandparents generation fight a world war for, if we are allowing this evil to get even a toe hold in , and now?

#auspol #USA #uk #Australia #liberalparty #nazi #deves #deeming

Last updated 2 years ago

C. Foix · @CFoix
24 followers · 1461 posts · Server
bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

"The classic example of subjectivity is Don Quixote. The first time he made a helmet, he tested its capacity for resisting blows, and battered it out of shape ; next time he did not test it, but “deemed” it to be a very good helmet. This habit of “deeming” dominated his life."
on the of

#deeming #subjectivity #method #donquixote #bertrandrussel

Last updated 3 years ago

bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server

"... there are probably but two methods of thought: the of and the method of . Solely the balance between evidence and lyricism can allow us to achieve simultaneously emotion and lucidity... " of and

#deeming #truisms #DamningWithFaintPraise #sisyphus #myth #albertcamus #donquixote #LaPalisse #method

Last updated 3 years ago