Watched the 1992 Bill Duke film Deep Cover the other day. It struck me that this might be the only american produced film I’ve seen that makes an explicit connection between the US imperialist project abroad, and the white supremacist project at home. Granted, it’s not the focus of the film, but it’s still more honest than most of the reagan/contra/warondrugs inspired films of the era, which typically never engaged with the politics past bumpersticker rhetoric like “beer good, commies bad”.
For a mainstream hollywood flick about a narc, this is actually not half bad.
#deepcover #BillDuke #laurencefishburne #warondrugs #film
#DeepCover (UNCENSORED) Dr. #Dre ft. #SnoopDogg
Alt. link.:
"[…]I can feel it"
#nemoradio #snoopdogg #dre #deepcover
本渡楓、森田成一、梶裕貴、浪川大輔、小西克幸、木村良平、小野友樹が爆笑クロストーク! 『劇場版 Collar × Malice -deep cover-』前編公開記念舞台挨拶
#Collar #Collar×Malice #cover前編公開記念舞台挨拶 #DEEP #deepcover #douga2 #malice #oricon #Vlog #voiceactor #オリコン #オリコンニュース #カラー×マリス #ゲーム #冴木弓弦 #刑事 #声優 #小西克幸 #小野友樹 #岡崎契 #拾和ミツル #新宿 #星野市香 #映画 #木村良平 #本渡楓 #本渡楓森田成一梶裕貴浪川大輔小西克幸木村良平小野友樹が爆笑クロストーク劇場版 #柳愛時 #梶裕貴 #森田成一 #浪川大輔 #男性声優 #白石景之 #笹塚尊
#collar #cover前編公開記念舞台挨拶 #deep #deepcover #douga2 #malice #oricon #vlog #voiceactor #オリコン #オリコンニュース #カラー #ゲーム #冴木弓弦 #刑事 #声優 #小西克幸 #小野友樹 #岡崎契 #拾和ミツル #新宿 #星野市香 #映画 #木村良平 #本渡楓 #本渡楓森田成一梶裕貴浪川大輔小西克幸木村良平小野友樹が爆笑クロストーク劇場版 #柳愛時 #梶裕貴 #森田成一 #浪川大輔 #男性声優 #白石景之 #笹塚尊
#noirvember continues on my #blog, and today is my full #moviereview of #deepcover (spoiler - film is 10/10). Loved finally checking out the #criterion #bluray I bought a month or two ago. And yes, I am still going hard on the hashtags on every post. Apologies if this irks some. It’s a habit.
#mastomovies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #film #cinema #movies #billdukes #lawrencefishburne #jeffgoldblum #noir #neonoir
#Noirvember #blog #moviereview #deepcover #Criterion #bluray #mastomovies #filmastodon #cinemastodon #film #cinema #movies #billdukes #lawrencefishburne #jeffgoldblum #noir #neonoir
I've watched Deep Cover (1992) three times in three days. What a film! Larry Fishburne as an undercover cop and Jeff Goldblum as a mid-level drug kingpin. With just a taste or two of camp, this film qualifies as some sort of blaxploitation noir with a hint of action and suspense. The rewatch factor is high like Slacker, Withnail and I, or The Swimmer with Burt Lancaster. Having seen Bill Duke in Carwash, I was quite impressed to see him as director. Great stuff.
#film #deepcover #jeffgoldblum