#Photographer Sets Record for #Deepest #Underwater #PhotoShoot
#photographer #deepest #underwater #photoshoot
'Adaptive Data Depth via Multi-Armed Bandits', by Tavor Baharav, Tze Leung Lai.
#depth #depths #deepest
#Deepest ever #Fish caught on #Camera off Japan : BBC
How #Paving With #Plastic Could Make a Dent in the Global #Waste Problem : Yale
India has registered a global first of a #Plant #Fungus infecting humans; #ClimateChange, AMR will exacerbate it : Misc
Check our latest #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #ClimateChange #fungus #plant #waste #plastic #paving #camera #fish #deepest
Check out the deepest-swimming fish ever caught on camera
Updated April 5, 20237:49 AM ET
#Scientists working off the #coastofJapan say they've managed to capture #images of the #deepest #swimming #fish ever #caughtoncamera.
#Japan #izuogasawaratrench #npr #baitedcamera #snailfish #caughtoncamera #fish #swimming #deepest #images #coastofjapan #scientists #joehernandez
Check out the deepest-swimming fish ever caught on camera.
Updated April 5, 2023 7:49 AM ET
#Scientists working off the #coastofJapan say they've managed to capture #images of the #deepest #swimming #fish ever #caughtoncamera.
#Japan #izuogasawaratrench #npr #baitedcamera #snailfish #caughtoncamera #fish #swimming #deepest #images #coastofjapan #scientists #joehernandez
just a friendly reminder that this exists.
#deepest #bluest #myhatislikeasharksfin
Some enter your #life for a #moment,
Some for a #day,
Some stay a bit #longer,
A select few will stay longer
Each #person enters your life for a reason, Each will add value to your life. You may not see the #value or #lesson right away but in due course you will know.
Those that #leave the #deepest #memory are sometimes those that stay the #shortest. #Treasure every moment.
#Life #moment #day #longer #person #value #lesson #leave #deepest #memory #shortest #treasure
Now streaming on @Twitch ! Playing: #Deepest Chamber on #Twitch https://www.twitch.tv/patcha_it
How Australia's deepest cave was discovered | CNN Travel #australia's #deepest #cave #discovered #travel #17agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS90cmF2ZWwvYXJ0aWNsZS9hdXN0cmFsaWEtZGVlcGVzdC1jYXZlLWRlbHRhLXZhcmlhbnQtaW50bC1obmsvaW5kZXguaHRtbA==
#17agosto #travel #discovered #cave #deepest #x27s #australia #x27
There's a new world's deepest shipwreck: The USS Samuel B. Roberts | CNN Travel #there's #world's #deepest #shipwreck #samuel #roberts #travel #25giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY25uLmNvbS90cmF2ZWwvYXJ0aWNsZS9zYW1teS1iLXJvYmVydHMtd3JlY2stdmljdG9yLXZlc2Nvdm8vaW5kZXguaHRtbA==
#25giugno #travel #roberts #samuel #shipwreck #deepest #world #x27s #there #x27
#Denman #Glacier: #Deepest point on #land found in #Antarctica - BBC News
#Denman #glacier #deepest #land #antarctica #science #geology
#Plastics found in #stomachs of #deepest #sea #creatures | #Environment | The Guardian
#plastics #stomachs #deepest #sea #creatures #environment #pollution