Just wanted to try #deepinlinux.
First thing that put me off, I have to accept a licence agreement.
Second thing, to run the install in the VM it want's 64GB space???
Ok, not trying the distro!
Deepin Linux 20.3 Is Out as One of the First Distros Powered by Linux Kernel 5.15 LTS
#Linuxdistribution #DeepinLinux #Linux5.15 #Linuxkernel5.15 #LinuxDeepin
#linuxdeepin #linuxkernel5 #linux5 #deepinlinux #Linuxdistribution
Deepin Linux 20.2.4 Released with New Global Search Feature and Linux Kernel 5.13
#deepinlinux #deepin #Linuxdistribution
Deepin Linux 20.2.2 Introduces a Brand-New App Store, Secure Boot Support
#deepinlinux #deepin #Linuxdistribution
Deepin 20.1 Released with Improved Performance, Enhanced Desktop Environment
#deepinlinux #deepin #Linuxdistribution
Deepin 20 Officially Released with New Look and Feel, Dual-Kernel Installation
#deepinlinux #deepin #Debian #Linuxdistribution
I saw a #Linux laptop on Ali express. Under OS it says #deepinlinux but it says you can't install other distribution or the drivers won't work. Does deepin have a custom Chinese kernel or something?
As beautiful as #deepinlinux is, I can't bring myself to running a distro that comes from one of the most privacy abusive countries on the planet. I'll run a device from #china, as long as I can run my own ROM on it, but an entire distro is a stretch. This country has modern day concentration camps for #Uighurs and a fetish for state run media and facial recognition. History will not look favorably on any of this. Sure, #deepin is #opensource, but open source also means #freedom.
#deepinlinux #china #uighurs #deepin #opensource #freedom
Alcuni Huawei MateBook ora montano Linux, ed il prezzo scende!
https://go.squidapp.co/n/i04N9B7 #deepinlinux