#DeepMReye has a new #streamlit app! 🎊 Camera-less #eyetracking in #fMRI has never been easier. https://github.com/DeepMReye/DeepMReye#option-4-streamlit-app
â—¦ Install & open
â—¦ Pick a pretrained model
â—¦ Upload fMRI data
â—¦ Download gaze coordinates
The app makes #DeepMReye even more accessible as no coding is required. If you use it, be aware though that the pretrained models are not perfect: Validate your results or train your own model using our notebooks!
Huge kudos to @cyhsm for creating the app!
#fmri #EyeTracking #streamlit #deepmreye
Our paper on #DeepMReye - Magnetic resonance-based eye tracking using deep neural networks - was just made #OpenAccess by @NatureNeuro
It was originally published under the wrong license in 2021. This release closes the circle and makes code, data, and paper accessible to everyone! #OpenScience
Code: https://github.com/DeepMReye/DeepMReye
Data: https://osf.io/mrhk9/
Paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-021-00947-w
w/ co-authors @cyhsm & Christian Doeller
#OpenScience #openaccess #deepmreye
Thanks so much, @RemiGau, for putting this together, and in general for contributing to #DeepMReye in the past months! It is such a useful extension and will make it easier to run it on #fMRIprep outputs etc. for many people.
#DeepMReye now has a wrapper for #BIDS data! https://pypi.org/project/bidsmreye/
This is great for example to decode gaze position in #fMRI datasets processed with #fMRIprep
Thank you @RemiGau for this amazing contribution to our package! w/@CYHSM
RT @NauMatt
#DeepMReye is out!
Use #deeplearning to perform #eyetracking in #fMRI without camera! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-021-00947-w
@cyhsm & I are thrilled to finally sha…
#EyeTracking #deeplearning #fMRIPrep #fmri #bids #deepmreye
Just migrated servers!
I am a #CogNeuro postdoc at NIH passionate about visual perception, gaze behavior, and memory.
I use computational tools (incl DNNs), human brain imaging & eye tracking to characterize how #vision, #gaze, and #memory interact on the levels of brain activity & subjective experience, and I develop open-source #machinelearning approaches to advance how brain activity & behavior can be studied together (e.g., #DeepMReye https://github.com/DeepMReye).
Excited to connect here!
#deepmreye #machinelearning #memory #gaze #vision #cogneuro