DeepSec 2023 Talk: Automating Incident Response: Exploring the Latest Conversational AI Tools – Hagai Shapira
As security incidents become increasingly complex, it's crucial for SOC and incident response teams to focus on actual malicious investigations.
#Conference #AIAgentArchitectures #AITools #automation #DeepSec2023 #IncidentResponse #LLMModels #Talk
#conference #aiagentarchitectures #aitools #automation #deepsec2023 #incidentresponse #llmmodels #talk
DeepSec 2023 Talk: Horror Stories from the Automotive Industry – Thomas Sermpinis
In this talk, we will revisit some of the scariest stories we faced during over 50 penetration testing and security research projects, with a twist. In the ever-emerging industry of automotive, with old and new O
#Conference #AutomotiveIndustry #AutomotiveSecurity #DeepSec2023 #PenetrationTesting #Talk
#conference #automotiveindustry #automotivesecurity #deepsec2023 #penetrationtesting #talk
DeepSec 2023 Talk: The Attacker Mindset: Practical Lessons from the Field – Yossi Sassi
Occasionally we come across the expression “attacker mindset”, yet without properly understanding what it means in practice. What does it REALLY mean? Is it a different way of thinking? Planning? Improvising? Or execut
#Conference #AttackerMindset #DeepSec2023 #Talk #UnderstandingAdversaries
#conference #attackermindset #deepsec2023 #talk #understandingadversaries
DeepSec 2023 Press Release: Language Models do no cognitive Work –
The term Artificial intelligence (AI) is in the media, but it consists only of language simulations.
If one follows the logic of the products currently offered under the AI label, we could easily remedy the shortage of skilled workers in the information technology sec
#Conference #Press #AI #DeepSec2023 #LLMAlgorithm #PressRelease
#conference #press #ai #deepsec2023 #llmalgorithm #pressrelease
DeepSec 2023 Press Release: Language Models do no cognitive Work –
The term Artificial intelligence (AI) is in the media, but it consists only of language simulations.
If one follows the logic of the products currently offered under the AI label, we could easily remedy the shortage of skilled workers in the information technology sec
#Conference #Press #AI #DeepSec2023 #LLMAlgorithm #PressRelease
#conference #press #ai #deepsec2023 #llmalgorithm #pressrelease
DeepSec 2023 Talk: Nostalgic Memory – Remembering All the Wins and Losses for Protecting Memory Corruption – Shubham Dubey
Memory corruption, a vulnerability that emerged in the 1980s and gained prominence with the discovery of the first buffer overflow in the fingerd U
#Conference #DeepSec2023 #MemoryCorruption #Talk #VulnerabilityMitigation
#conference #deepsec2023 #memorycorruption #talk #vulnerabilitymitigation
DeepSec 2023 Press Release: DeepSec 2023 publishes Programme – This year’s conference focuses on language models and infrastructure
Everyone is discussing Artificial Intelligence language mo
#Conference #Press #AI #AutomotiveIndustry #ConferenceProgramme #DeepSec2023 #disinformation #Geopolitics #PressRelease #SocialEngineering
#conference #press #ai #automotiveindustry #conferenceprogramme #deepsec2023 #disinformation #geopolitics #pressrelease #socialengineering
DeepSec 2023 Training: Security Intelligence: Practical Social Engineering & Open-source Intelligence for Security Teams – Christina Lekati
Social engineering attacks remain at the top of the threat landscape and data breach reports. Reports tend t
#Conference #Interview #Training #DeepSec2023 #OSINT #SocialEngineering #Training
#conference #interview #training #deepsec2023 #osint #socialengineering
DeepSec 2023 Talk: Deepfake vs AI: How To Detect Deepfakes With Artificial Intelligence – Dr. Nicolas Müller
Artificial intelligence is developing at a breathtaking pace, already surpassing humans in some areas. But with opportunity comes potential for abuse: generative models are getting better at creating dece
#Conference #AI #Deepfakes #DeepSec2023 #Talk
#talk #deepsec2023 #deepfakes #ai #conference
DeepSec 2023 Training: Mobile Security Testing Guide Hands-On – Sven Schleier
Software cannot be tested by machines alone. In order to identify security weaknesses, you will need the right toolchain and expertise on how to use the tools. Therefore, we asked Sven Schleier to give you a two-day deep dive into
#Training #Android #DeepSec2023 #iOS #OWASPMobileSecurityTestingGuide #Training
#owaspmobilesecuritytestingguide #ios #deepsec2023 #android #training
DeepSec 2023 Workshop: Black Belt Pentesting / Bug Hunting Millionaire (100% Hands-On, Live Online Training, 24-25 October) – Dawid Czagan
Have you ever thought of hacking web applications for fun and profit? How about playing with authentic, award-winning security bugs identified in some
#Conference #Training #DeepSec2023 #Training
#deepsec2023 #training #conference
DeepSec 2023 Workshop: Web Hacking Expert: Full-Stack Exploitation Mastery [Video Training, Lifetime Access] – Dawid Czagan
Watch the trailer for your training!
Modern web applications are complex and it’s all about full-stack nowadays. That’s why you need to dive into full-stack exploitation if you
#Conference #Training #DeepSec2023 #Training
#deepsec2023 #training #conference
DeepSec Workshop 2023: Full-Stack Pentesting Laboratory: 100% Hands-On + Lifetime LAB Access – Dawid Czagan
Modern IT systems are complex and it’s all about full-stack nowadays. To become a pentesting expert, you need to dive into full-stack exploitation and gain a lot of practical skills. That’s why I created the Fu
#Conference #Training #DeepSec2023 #Training
#deepsec2023 #training #conference
#DeepSec Press Release: IT Security Has A Deficit In Defence
[DeepSec traditionally leans more on the defence side of things. So we published this article.]
Many people are now aware of the importance of information security, but how to operate secure systems is often not obvious. The re
#Press #Security #attackprevention #DeepSec2023 #Defence #pressrelease #securedesign #securityconcept #sustainability
#sustainability #securityconcept #securedesign #pressrelease #defence #deepsec2023 #attackprevention #security #press #deepsec
Press Release: A 40-year Step Backwards for Secure Communication
The UK government's Online Safety Bill wants to set back the state-of-the art for secure communication 40 years backwards. The proposal includes compulsory backdoors for communication platforms and wil
#Press #AthensAffair #CryptoWars #CryptoWars2.0 #DeepSec2023 #EUchatcontrolregulation #industrialespionage #OpenPGP #UKOnlineSafetyBill
#ukonlinesafetybill #openpgp #industrialespionage #euchatcontrolregulation #deepsec2023 #cryptowars2 #cryptowars #athensaffair #press