Live Long and Prosper ππΌ. #StarTrekDay #BringBackSisko #DeepSpaceNine
#StarTrekDay #bringbacksisko #deepspacenine
I don't always watch the extra features on the #StarTrek DVDs but I found out someone interesting.
I realised that the actor who played Brunt in #DS9 also played the white-skinned collector who tried to get a holoprogram of Kira. You can tell it's the same guy because they act in a similar way ...
But what I didn't realise is the guy who played Brunt also played Weyoun.
Weyoun was brilliant - all seven of him!
1/3200 scale #DeepSpaceNine with 1/2500 scale USS #Defiant and USS #Enterprise docked. 3/3 #StarTrek #StarTrekModels #Starship #ScaleModels #ModelBuilder #MKMModelwerx
#deepspacenine #defiant #enterprise #startrek #startrekmodels #starship #scalemodels #modelbuilder #mkmmodelwerx
1/3200 scale #DeepSpaceNine with 1/2500 scale USS #Defiant and USS #Enterprise docked. 2/3 #StarTrek #StarTrekModels #Starship #ScaleModels #ModelBuilder #MKMModelwerx
#deepspacenine #defiant #enterprise #startrek #startrekmodels #starship #scalemodels #modelbuilder #mkmmodelwerx
Watching #StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine episode where Gul Dukat declaiming to Major Kira how slavery and oppression heped the Bajorans learned skills and benefited from forced labor and Cardassian occupation. At the time, this was meant to be about depicting a science fiction dystopia. Today it would be seen as a "#woke" allegory...
#startrek #deepspacenine #woke
@nocontexttrek That guy with the low voice who played Jake Sisko in the future on #StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine. For the life of me I can't remember his name! BUT he was amazing!
It's easy to be slightly ahead of the script at this point, but it's still ends up going in an unexpected direction. Interesting times ahead, it would seem.
4οΈβ£ According to #IMDb users, this is the 26th best episode.
5οΈβ£ My 795th episode of #StarTrek, out of 893.
#imdb #startrek #deepspacenine #90stv
#Voyager ...
I'm on season 2 now and, boy, are some the episodes dreary! It's hard to believe that #DeepSpaceNine came before this!
You can tell some the stories are too flimsy to fill the full 45-50 minutes. There are too many inconsequential scenes that plod along
The thing is, the actors are always good, and characters are there (although Voyager used up all its bland rations) but it's the same with all #StarTrek shows
It's not the characters that are wrong but the stories they are put in
#StarTrek #deepspacenine #voyager
Something will happen before the end of this year computers will look like this next year #startrek #deepspacenine
OK #UnasweredStarTrek questions
So in #DeepSpaceNine Odo's clothes aren't real but part of his body.
But what about his combadge? He uses a combadge so is it pinned into his body? Or does part of him hold onto the badge to keep it in place?
And when he transforms, where does it go? :ablobthinkingeyes:
Tune in next time for more unanswered #StarTrek questions ...
#ds9 #StarTrek #deepspacenine #unasweredstartrek
@le_friwi_56 #DeepSpaceNine is the best of the 90s #StarTrek. I does take a while to get going, but even in the first season there are some stand-out episodes.
Is #StarTrek #DeepSpaceNine an OK place to start watching? I'm a non-Trekkie who has found it really difficult to get in to in the past. I've always been a #StarWars tragic, with a hint of #BattleStarGalactica. Please point me in the right direction as I make one final attempt to become a #Trekkie.
#startrek #deepspacenine #starwars #battlestargalactica #trekkie
I just realised the latest real-life situation to fit ST DS9's starting premise (someone else probably already has):
Ukraine is Bajor
Russia is the Cardassian Empire
The EU is the United Federation of Planets
The United States is... The Romulan Empire? Maybe??
And we're only 9 years into the occupation...
Some guy pointed out I wrote 'Marquis' instead of 'Maquis' for the #DeepSpaceNine rebels and I foolishly replied 'They're pronounced the same.'
And all night I was thinking: He's going to reply to point out I'm wrong
And he did
What I meant was, in #DS9 they pronounce Maquis in the same way Marquis is pronounced in French.
In English Marquis is prounced Markwiss
It ended with me being like Han in #StarWars lasering the comm speaker ...
Boring conversation anyway.
It bothers me slightly, that #DeepSpaceNine happens after #StrangeNewWorlds; now, Starfleet tried and ruled 2 cases of genetically altered officers.
Despite the StarWarsian dilemma of out of order storytelling, I enjoy those variations of similar topics.
...just like the trial for Datas status as an individual vs. the Exocomps vs. Discovery. ...let's hope discovery doesn't pull a "Peanut Hamper" π
#StrangeNewWorlds #deepspacenine
People don't post enough about #StarTrek
You know, I'm really enjoying the last half of #DS9 series 7 -- all these to-be-continued episodes following the Dominion war ...
There's some good writing there.
The first half of series 7 was pretty shit. Too many joke episodes -- and too many baseball episodes!
@laidbackdm #TalesFromTheLoop is awesome! It was my first exposure to #YearZeroEngine. Now I'm in a campaign of #Coriolis, which also kicks ass with its awesome setting that strongly reminds me of #Firefly and #DeepSpaceNine. β€οΈ
#TalesFromTheLoop #yearzeroengine #Coriolis #firefly #deepspacenine #FreeLeague #TRPG
I remember in a recent rewatch of #DeepSpaceNine a while back seeing the holodeck heist episode (Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang) and kind of lamenting how modern TV sensibility meant that we'd likely never see such a weird, silly episode of the new #StarTrek series. I'm so glad I was wrong about that.