@DrALJONES only correct response from free Americans:
We are #DeepState #UnitedStates #USA
@StephanieHount1 @django @edithmair1 @monthy19 ja und 666-6 ist schon durch alle #quergläubigen und #deepstate leute besetzt
#Skepticism and #Relationships
“My Girlfriend Believes in Crystals, #Homeopathy and the #DeepState”
#skepticism #relationships #homeopathy #deepstate
#Trump is taking #DeepState conspiracy theories mainstream. Please check out a beginners' guide on my personal blog after the jump. https://sharpenyouraxe.substack.com/p/the-deep-state-and-the-rule-of-law
@GW There’s your #DeepState. As usual, every #Republican accusation is a confession.
It's amusing that so far, all the #US #election #fraud has been by #Republicans.
Or is that just the #DeepState only prosecuting Republicans and letting the #Liberals off? Because the deep state is well known for its leniency.
#electionfraud #lawyer #law #crime #USpol #Politics #liberals #deepstate #republicans #fraud #Election #US
The death of Prigozhin #deepState #podcast #Russia #putin #Prigozhin https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/deep-state-radio/id1245002955?i=1000625765152
#prigozhin #Putin #Russia #Podcast #deepstate
The best evidence that the #DeepState doesn’t exist is that #TRUMP manages to fly everywhere without an “accident” happening.
Der #Klimawandel ist eine Erfindung der #Grünen - jetzt sehen wir, was der #deepstate mit den #Chemtrails anrichten kann. #Mistverdampfer und #Leerdenker 🤦🤦🤦🥱🥱🥱👎👎👎
#klimawandel #grunen #deepstate #chemtrails #mistverdampfer #leerdenker
#RonDeSantis: #Trump Coddled #Fauci & The #DeepState During The #Pandemic
#rondesantis #trump #fauci #deepstate #pandemic
@ChefsCatch @Zennblack The #DeepState couldn't have kept him from firing the people he needed to.
Caught in the squeeze between powerful government actors (the true #DeepState) and a cartel of filthy rich private spies, lawmakers and regulators are frozen in place.
Or, at least, they *were*. The CFPB's discovery that it had the power all along to curb commercial surveillance follows on from the FTC's similar realization last summer:
I don't want to pretend that all privacy questions can be resolved with simple, bright-line rules.
Es ist erstaunlich, was #DeepState alles anstellt, um die Leute glauben zu machen, es gäbe einen #Mensch-gemachten #Klimawandel ...
Oder ist's doch wahr?https://www.ingenieur.de/technik/fachbereiche/umwelt/klimaerwaermung-studie-zeigt-was-bei-ueberschreiten-der-2-grad-marke-mit-der-erde-passiert/
#deepstate #mensch #klimawandel
the #DeepState is real. Just because trumpers jumped on that term doesn't mean there isn't a massive technocracy operating in the shadowy spaces between the the USG and #WallStreet
They all went to the Same Elite Universities, sometimes the same Fraternities/Sororities
They also control the Mainstream Media. this isn't a conspiracy theory, and its not "the Jews" its right out in the Open, the Church Committee uncovered how The #CIA had agents in every major Newspaper and TV broadcaster, now they dont even hide it. Look into the pundits on any #CNN segment and see how many are current or former/ members of some 3 letter federal agency or part of some counter insurgency think tank, you'd be lucky to see a single journalist on any cable news channel
Stories about the Whitehouse or investment firms directly feeding news outlets talking points or suppressing stories came out numerous times under both Bush and Obama
And these are the same people who will say "the deep state is a conspiracy theory" and drone on about Russian misinformation. These are the guys that told you "suitcase nukes", and " dirty bombs" were a thing(nope), that america had reached a "post racial era" in 2009, and now they tell you "the economy is doing great, I guess people just like being unhappy"
#deepstate #wallstreet #cia #cnn
I was wondering about conspiracy theories :blobcatgooglytrash:
If I'm thinking that conspirators are members of secret deep state, trying to divert us from the real subjects, do I am a conspirator myself?
Do am I a member of a secret organization without being aware of being a member of a secret organization? 🤔
Can I trust myself? :ablobcatknitsweats:
#conspiracy #theory #deepstate #overheatedbrain
The primaries of the #GQP are turning into a shit show that could be called #America's new top #psychopath. With his ramblings about a #deepstate and "slitting throats from day one", #RondeSantis is desperately trying to pass #Trump in terms of utter insanity and #demagoguery.
#populism is #poison, and politicians banking on it have to keep escalating their incendiary language to keep their supporters happy. But if the happen to get elected, following up is not an option.
#GQP #america #psychopath #deepstate #rondesantis #trump #demagoguery #populism #poison #unitedstates
I see that the Mail is now part of the #uniparty and #DeepState. Shame on it!
#DanWootton #MailOnline #DailyMail
#uniparty #deepstate #danwootton #mailonline #dailymail
Yale/Harvard graduate, Ron DeSantis, attacks 'elites' as if he isn’t one of them, and doesn’t attend their secret meetings. #deepstate #loser
BBC Worldin Newshourissa oli äsken Dump in saamista syytteistä. Ja poikansa kommentointia. Kas vaan #DeepState -hölinää.
#deepstate #trump #trumjr #uspol #salaliittoteoria #usa #yhdysvallat
I wonder when the #Republicans will realize that former Democrat Donald #Trump was just pretending to be a Republican and working with the #deepstate in order to destroy the #GOP
#conspiracytheories #trumpindictment
#republicans #trump #deepstate #gop #conspiracytheories #trumpindictment