Mae'n fy penblwydd heddiw. Roedd hi'n oer ond yn heulog ar y bryn / It's my birthday today. It was cold but sunny on the hill. (Or at least I hope that's what I said! ) #ymarfer #defaidadon
Nadolig llawen i chi a'r holl #Defaidadon
Happy Christmas to you and all the sheep / beasties.
For once I can make a #defaidadon post...
We had to go look at the sheep in my partner's Dad's field, checking none of them got themselves stuck in a fence or a brook. They're all fine, but they don't like having their picture taken...
For once I can make a #defaidadon post...
We had to go look at the sheep in my partner's Dad's field, checking none of them got themselves stuck in a fence. No calamities
"Never be afraid of sheep. They're just wooly lumps of love"
Quote from my fiancé a few years back when we were discussing what to do if you meet a bull in a field.
Such a hyfred description I've never forgotten it.💙