The only thing that I noticed that I disagree with you on these excellent observations is comparing #DeFascist to a bag of sand.
I don't think DeSantis has any where near the potential positive benefit that has a nice bag of sand.
This should have been the headline in every Florida & national newspaper from the start:
“Petulant coward Ron #DeFascist too scared to meet with @POTUS because Trump will mock him”
Speaking of that foul site, can someone else see if the same thing is happening to you too.
When I go to Denver Riggleman's timeline or see the tweet on anyone else's too and get to his quote tweet of #DeFascist stormtroopers with swastikas on flags saluting Hitler the app crashes on my android phone.
It seems intentionally meant to reduce engagement without deleting the tweet?
I don't have an account, I just go there to see what's up a few times a day.
@Elowen @barney
Anything is possible, especially this early. I don't think that #DeFascist has much of a chance though.
I really don't get into predicting elections. It seems people want to know the news in advance nowadays, but they sure didn't listen to me twenty years ago when I was warning about #GlobalWarming
Florida: Huge Increase in Voucher Applications, Available Now to Rich and Poor - The cost of subsidizing private education for wealthy people's students is going to bankrupt DeFascist's state. https://dianeravitch.net/2023/08/18/florida-huge-increase-in-voucher-applications-available-now-to-rich-and-poor/ via @dianeravitch #DeFascist
#DeSantis #Fascism #authoritarianism #DeFascist #RightWingExtremism #ConservativeChristians #AmericanTaliban #psychology #education #indoctrination #hypocrisy #projection #gaslighting
#desantis #fascism #authoritarianism #defascist #rightwingextremism #conservativechristians #americantaliban #psychology #education #indoctrination #hypocrisy #projection #gaslighting
@otownKim @RollingStone
I love the reporting that Rolling Stone has been doing, but I have to give credit to @MotherJones for this great cover cartoon of #DeFascist too.
Florida: Fear in the Classroom, the Republican Goal for inducing self-censorship - Under Florida Gov. Ron DeFascist and his lockstep Legislature, fear has seeped into schools. https://dianeravitch.net/2023/08/16/florida-fear-in-the-classroom-the-republican-goal/ via @dianeravitch #DeFascist
At a College Targeted by DeSantis, Gender Studies Is Out, Jocks Are In - It seems in Florida, DeFascist believes there are too many uppity women. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/14/opinion/columnists/gender-studies-ron-desantis-florida.html?smid=tw-share #DeFascist
#DeSantis greeted by ‘pudding fingers’ chant in #Iowa - POLITICO
> The protest effectively cut short the #Florida governor’s first campaign stop of the day.
"Chanting “Ron DeFascist” and “pudding fingers” on a megaphone while ringing cowbells, two protesters effectively cut short the Florida governor’s first campaign stop of the day at a large roadside rock painted for war veterans."
#morondesantis #puddingfingers #desaster #defascist #Florida #Iowa #desantis
#DeSantis #Fascism #authoritarianism #DeFascist #RightWingExtremism #AlternativeLifestyle #AmericanTaliban #racism #racists #WhiteNationalism
#desantis #fascism #authoritarianism #defascist #rightwingextremism #alternativelifestyle #americantaliban #racism #racists #WhiteNationalism
Florida: State Drops Charges Against “New College” Student Who Spit at Chris Rufo - DeFascist's Florida is national leader for indoctrinating students into governors political ideology. https://dianeravitch.net/2023/08/10/florida-state-drops-charges-against-new-college-student-who-spit-at-chris-rufo/ via @dianeravitch #DeFascist
The Education Policies Governor Ron DeFascist Has Enacted in Florida Are Just Plain Scary - Indoctrinating students with right-wing ideology while censoring literary masterpieces and behind closed doors it gets worse. https://janresseger.wordpress.com/2023/08/10/39213/ via @janresseger #DeFascist
This is what Schlump tried to do, throw out votes against him. So now #DeSantis has done this on a state level. Giving Republicans the idea that they can do this in their states too. This is #Fascism. Are #Florida #voters good with this?!?!
Monique Worrell: DeSantis suspends Orlando-area state attorney in second sacking of democratically elected prosecutor | CNN Politics
#deracist #defascist #floridafascism #voters #Florida #Fascism #desantis