Should I be concerned that a SIP phone assigned to me has a #defaultPassword to change system settings unchanged? (I'm an #ISP salesman now)
The SolarWinds Perfect Storm: Default Password, Access Sales and More - Meanwhile, Microsoft and other vendors are quickly moving to block the Sunburst backdoor used in t... #criticalinfrastructure #u.s.governmentagencies #antivirusdisabled #vulnerabilities #defaultpassword #supplychainhack #networkaccess #solarwinds123 #cyberattack #government #solarwinds #solorigate #microsoft #malware #fireeye #hacks #fxmsp #dhs
#dhs #fxmsp #hacks #fireeye #malware #microsoft #solorigate #solarwinds #government #cyberattack #solarwinds123 #networkaccess #supplychainhack #defaultpassword #vulnerabilities #antivirusdisabled #u #criticalinfrastructure
Security Issues in PoS Terminals Open Consumers to Fraud - Point-of-sale terminal vendors Verifone and Ingenico have issued mitigations after researchers fou... #arbitrarycodeexecution #ingenicotelium2series #includeverifonevx520 #verifonemxseries #vulnerabilities #defaultpassword #pointofsale #posterminal #ingenico #password #verifone
#verifone #password #ingenico #posterminal #pointofsale #defaultpassword #vulnerabilities #verifonemxseries #includeverifonevx520 #ingenicotelium2series #arbitrarycodeexecution
Lax Security Exposes Smart-Irrigation Systems to Attack Across the Globe - Systems designed by Mottech Water Management were misconfigured and put in place and connected to ... #criticalinfrastructure #infrastructuresecurity #mottechwatermanagement #watersystemattacks #irrigationsystems #connecteddevices #internetofthings #corygardnerbill #defaultpassword #smartirrigation #opentointernet #cloudsecurity #cybersecurity #iot
#iot #cybersecurity #cloudsecurity #opentointernet #smartirrigation #defaultpassword #corygardnerbill #internetofthings #connecteddevices #irrigationsystems #watersystemattacks #mottechwatermanagement #infrastructuresecurity #criticalinfrastructure
Critical Cisco Bug Opens Software Licencing Manager to Remote Attack - A default password would let anyone access the Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem Base platform,... more: #ciscosmartsoftwaremanageron-prembase #highavailabilityservice #softwarevulnerability #softwarelicensing #vulnerabilities #defaultpassword #cve-2020-3158 #criticalflaw #remoteattack #management #cisco
#cisco #management #remoteattack #criticalflaw #cve #defaultpassword #vulnerabilities #softwarelicensing #softwarevulnerability #highavailabilityservice #ciscosmartsoftwaremanageron
Mandatory IoT Security in the Offing with U.K. Proposal - The new U.K. law mandates that manufacturers apply several security controls to their connected de... more: #internetofthings #iotmanufacturers #defaultpassword #securityupdates #devicesecurity #iotlegislation #iotsecurity #government #regulation #password #ukgovlaw #techlaw #uklaw #iot
#iot #uklaw #techlaw #ukgovlaw #password #regulation #government #iotsecurity #iotlegislation #devicesecurity #securityupdates #defaultpassword #iotmanufacturers #internetofthings