It looks like the #dc405 #defcon group is long dead. Anyone interested in starting it back up? I'm thinking meetings in #Moore or #Norman would be good. It would be awesome to have someone to carpool with to #defcon32 and to keep the vibe going all year long. @defcon #oklahoma #okc #hacking #hacktheplanet #defcongroups
#dc405 #defcon #moore #norman #defcon32 #oklahoma #okc #hacking #hacktheplanet #defcongroups
From: g0rd0 (@firesparkcons
g0rd0 is not freaking out about DEFCON 31
Texas DC groups ! We are starting to work on our annual meet up plans before DEFCON. Send me a reply or DM if interested in helping with marketing. @dc281houston
it’s almost Pasty Time 🤤 #defcon31 @defcon #defconcommunities
#defcon31 #defconcommunities #defcongroups #wisp #hda_defcon
Introducing #defconcommunities ! We’re trying a new kind of content category this year at #defcon31 for creators who don’t fit precisely into slots like Vendors and Villages.
This year at DEF CON you’ll see this new DEF CON Community format in action with creators like #defcongroups , #WISP, and #HDA_DEFCON . Please make some time to visit them and check out their new offerings. As always, thank you for helping us grow and test out new things. See you soon.
The full post is at
#defconcommunities #defcon31 #defcongroups #wisp #hda_defcon
Are you ready! #defcon #Defcon31 #defcongroups #defconvillages #pentesting #linux #kalilinux #hacker #defensapersonal #training #cybersecurity #hacking #kali
#defcon #defcon31 #defcongroups #defconvillages #pentesting #linux #kalilinux #hacker #defensapersonal #training #cybersecurity #hacking #kali
From the fine folks at DEF CON Group #DC212 in New York City:
Our next meetup is Thursday the 30th at 7pm. The usual place.
Topics may include:
- potential DEF CON plans, yours and ours
- restarting the SE project & maybe poker if you’re feeling froggy
- a potential series of #badgelife meetings?
#dc212 #badgelife #defcon #defcongroups #nyc #meetup
If you're in the vicinity of Utrecht, The Netherlands on Wednesday, DC3115 &DC3120 are having a meetup. Visit for the details!
#netherlands #defcon #defcongroups #DC3115 #DC3120 #utrecht #meetup
#netherlands #defcon #defcongroups #dc3115 #dc3120 #utrecht #meetup
Hello, (Mastodon) World!
We're regrouping, planning updates, and looking forward to getting things going again in 2023. Stay tuned.
We are currently looking for a few #DEFCON Group leads to participate in a virtual roundtable on January 20 to discuss your DEF CON group. If interested in participating in this panel, please contact us via DM or our Discord at your earliest convenience. #defcongroups #dcgvr @defcon
Our next VR event will take place on January 20. If you are a main point of contact for a DEF CON group and interested in participating in a panel, please engage with us on Discord - #defcon #defcongroups
DC610 Pub Crawl this weekend!
The #defconsafemode mega torrent races to its #finalform - #defcongroups presentations, art, social media reactions... get your hands on everything on!
#defcongroups #finalform #defconsafemode
Thinking of a Cybersecurity Career? Read This - Thousand of people graduate from colleges and universities each year with cybersecurity or computer ... more: #womenssocietyofcyberjutsu #howtobreakintosecurity #securitybsides #sansinstitute #defcongroups #alanpaller #metasploit #virtualbox #kalilinux #wireshark #openvas #tcpdump #webgoat #nessus #tcp/ip #nikto #owasp #nmap
#nmap #owasp #nikto #tcp #nessus #webgoat #tcpdump #openvas #wireshark #kalilinux #virtualbox #metasploit #alanpaller #defcongroups #sansinstitute #securitybsides #howtobreakintosecurity #womenssocietyofcyberjutsu