#defconmovienight July 1 edition:
In honor of Canada Day, we offer the clever and engaging ‘Pontypool’ - a thoughtful, exciting apocalypse flick set in a radio station. Join us in the movie-night-text channel of the DEF CON Discord (discord.gg/defcon) at 8pm PDT for a good time at the virtual movies.
#defconmovienight is here again - join us in the DEF CON discord (discord.gg/defcon) at 8pm PST for Alfred Hitchcock’s PSA about minding your own business ‘Rear Window’. We’ll be in the movie-night-text channel with some binoculars acting nosy.
#defconmovienight this week brings you “Mazes and Monsters” - a weird 80s cultural moment frozen in amber. Tom Hanks in his first lead role, tabletop RPGs portrayed (in ludicrous fashion) as gateways to madness and misadventure, proto-LARPing - it’s a lot.
Join us at 8pm June 10 in the #defcon Discord (http://discord.gg/defcon) in the movie-night-text channel.
Virtual Mountain Dew and Pizza Rolls available on request.
#defconmovienight brings you the weird nostalgia of ‘Turbo Kid’. Join us in the post apocalyptic 90s wasteland of the #defcon Discord server at 8pm PST tonight. We’ll be waiting in the movie-night-text channel.
Referenced link: http://discord.gg/defcon)
Originally posted by DEF CON / @defcon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/defcon/status/1662582238750310401#m
Tonight’s #defconmovienight brings some more Philip Marlowe - this time in 1975’s “Farewell, My Lovely” starring Robert Mitchum and Charlotte Rampling . Join us for movie talk at 8pm PST in the movie-night-text channel of the #defcon Discord (http://discord.gg/defcon)
Tonight’s #defconmovienight brings some more Philip Marlowe - this time in 1975’s “Farewell, My Lovely” starring Robert Mitchum and Charlotte Rampling . Join us for movie talk at 8pm PST in the movie-night-text channel of the #defcon Discord (discord.gg/defcon)
Referenced link: http://Discord.gg/defcon)
Originally posted by DEF CON / @defcon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/defcon/status/1652112315863691264#m
#defconmovienight 4/29 brings a little Terry Gilliam weirdness to the party with 'The Zero Theorem'. Join us in the #defcon discord (http://Discord.gg/defcon) at 8pm PST Saturday for some fun movie talk and general hangout vibes.
#defconmovienight 4/29 brings a little Terry Gilliam weirdness to the party with 'The Zero Theorem'. Join us in the #defcon discord (http://Discord.gg/defcon) at 8pm PST Saturday for some fun movie talk and general hangout vibes.
Referenced link: http://discord.gg/defcon)
Originally posted by DEF CON / @defcon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/defcon/status/1646994896484704259#m
This week’s #defconmovienight offers you the resplendently 90s vibes of Tank Girl. Join us in the movie-night-text channel of the #defcon Discord (http://discord.gg/defcon) Saturday April 15 at 8pm PST for movie chat and the lighter side of dystopia.
This week’s #defconmovienight offers you the resplendently 90s vibes of Tank Girl. Join us in the movie-night-text channel of the #defcon Discord (discord.gg/defcon) Saturday April 15 at 8pm PST for movie chat and the lighter side of dystopia.
“No matter where you go, there you are”. Join us for #defconmovienight April 8 at 8pm PDT for The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension”. It’s all happening in our Discord (discord.gg/defcon) in the movie-night-text channel. See you there.
#defconmovienight #defcon #movienight
Referenced link: http://discord.gg/defcon)
Originally posted by DEF CON / @defcon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/defcon/status/1641927338077327360#m
Earth spaceship crash lands
A world where apes ride horses
Then KaBlam! Plot Twist!
This haiku is courtesy of 1968’s ‘Planet of the Apes’ and #defconmovienight. Join us at 8pm PST April 1 in the movie-night-text channel of our Discord (http://discord.gg/defcon) for movie chat.
Earth spaceship crash lands
A world where apes ride horses
Then KaBlam! Plot Twist!
This haiku is courtesy of 1968’s ‘Planet of the Apes’ and #defconmovienight. Join us at 8pm PST April 1 in the movie-night-text channel of our Discord (discord.gg/defcon) for movie chat.
Referenced link: http://discord.gg/defcon)
Originally posted by DEF CON / @defcon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/defcon/status/1639431437341569024#m
#defconmovienight update:
Graham Greene on the story, Orson Welles chewing scenery, zither all over the soundtrack - what more could you want? Join us 8pm PST on 3/25 in the movie-night-text channel of the #defcon Discord (http://discord.gg/defcon) for a trip back to 1949.
#defconmovienight update:
Graham Greene on the story, Orson Welles chewing scenery, zither all over the soundtrack - what more could you want? Join us 8pm PST on 3/25 in the movie-night-text channel of the #defcon Discord (http://discord.gg/defcon) for a trip back to 1949.
#defconmovienight #defcon #filmnoir
Join us for this week’s #defconmovienight selection ‘I Kill Giants’ at 8pm PST. It’s a cool little monster movie with great performances, solid cinematography and a surprising amount of heart, Join us for virtual snacks and real conversation in the movie-night-text channel of the DEF CON Discord (discord.gg/defcon).
#defconmovienight #defcon #defcon31 #movienight
Referenced link: http://discord.gg/defcon)
Originally posted by DEF CON / @defcon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/defcon/status/1633973506097688577#m
This Saturday’s #defconmovienight is 1962’s ‘The Manchurian Candidate’. Join us for political intrigue and friendly conversation on the #defcon Discord (http://discord.gg/defcon) on Saturday 3/11 at 8pm PST in the movie-night-text channel. Be there or be an equilateral rectangle.
This Saturday’s #defconmovienight is 1962’s ‘The Manchurian Candidate’. Join us for political intrigue and friendly conversation on the #defcon Discord (discord.gg/defcon) on Saturday 3/11 at 8pm PST in the movie-night-text channel. Be there or be an equilateral rectangle.
Join us at 8pm PST in the movie-night-text channel of DEF CON’s discord (Discord.gg/defcon) for the visually inventive and wonderfully weird ‘Dave Made a Maze’. Laughs, thrills, and a cardboard fort that’s bigger on the inside. See you there.
#defcon #defconmovienight #biggerontheinside
By viewer request and in memory of the recently departed Raquel Welch, this week's movie is One Million Years BC. Historically dubious but very ambitious for 1966. Join us in the movie-night-text channel of the Discord (discord.gg/defcon) at 8pm PST 2/25 for some dinovibes. #defconmovienight #defcon #dinovibes
#defconmovienight #defcon #dinovibes