🇪🇺 Security & Defence Symposium '22
EU Dep. Sec. Gen. for #CSDP crisis response Charles Fries has just taken the stage, highlighting #Canada’s dedication and commitment to supporting the #EU and its efforts in #TransatlanticSecurity and global #DefenceCooperation.
#CSDP #canada #EU #TransatlanticSecurity #defencecooperation
T – Technologies
EDA Capability Technology groups 'CapTechs' drive #defencecooperation through collaborative R&T projects, supporting Member States in the preparation of wider programmes & providing networking opportunities
EDA 'CapTechs' https://eda.europa.eu/what-we-do/research-technology/capability-technology-areas-(captechs)
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDefenceAgency/status/1523584227857809408
#defencecooperation #EUDefence
P - PESCO | The Permanent Structured Cooperation framework aims to deepen #defencecooperation between 25 🇪🇺Member States
In November 2021 the @EUCouncil adopted a new wave of PESCO projects addressing gaps in #defencecapabilities
There are now 60 #PESCO projects underway
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/EUDefenceAgency/status/1523581407666532352
#defencecooperation #defencecapabilities #PESCO