Stop the government war on public housing!
The Victorian government has already started demolishing Barak Beacon WHILE A RAHU MEMBER IS STILL LIVING THERE! Without any dates of when new "social housing" is meant to replace them. All this while we are in a housing crisis!
We demand that our public housing estates are repaired, rebuilt, and reinvested in. Social housing is a pipeline to privatisation of the affordable housing sector.
Please join us on the steps of parliament tomorrow, 15th of June at 12pm, show them that we will NOT allow people to be bullied from their homes, and that we support public housing!
#PublicHousing #DefendBarakBeacon #StopPrivatisation #HousingIsAHumanRight #HousingCrisis #Melbourne #VicPol #AusPol
#publichousing #defendbarakbeacon #stopprivatisation #housingisahumanright #housingcrisis #melbourne #vicpol #auspol