New stickers from Off Color Decals are in! HMU if you want a couple! #leftistgunculture #socialistrifleassociation #defendequality
#leftistgunculture #socialistrifleassociation #defendequality
I'm curious to see if this platform has a photos tab, or something like albums, so, I'm posting one of my favorite photographs captured during one of many direct actions I've been a part of since the murder of George Floyd.
I stopped counting at 150+, but guessing now, adding in the most recent ones, I think 175 now.
I am proud of what this photo represents and I think it's a beautiful tribute to queer+ led and the lgbtq allied antifascist movement in amurikkka.
To me, this photograph represents stepping up to stand against all forms of hatred, that the beautiful world we want is one where ALL are truly equal, that we are ONE PEOPLE, on ONE PLANET, striving for the betterment of an internationalist, global society free of colonization, occupation, apartheid, genocide, war, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, antisemitism, bigotry and hatred of any kind.
It is an image of fearless love in action!
It is my sincerest hope that our world comes together, united in love for all and save our dying planet before it's too late.
THIS is what community looks like!
To the beautiful person in the photograph, and all people like us, out in the streets fighting for a better world for all,
thank you.
Photographed during pro choice rally and counterprotest against christofascist "men's march against abortion" in Boston, Massachusetts. 2022.
© @litakelley All rights reserved.
#photography #photographer #photojournalist #lgbtq #nonbinary #transgender #antiracist #fucknazis #endwhitesupremacy #antifascist #makeracistsafraidagain #defendequality #activism #communitydefense #mutualaid #pride #anarchist #leftist #socialist #socialism #anarchism #antifa #weprotectus #fuck12 #acab
#photography #Photographer #photojournalist #lgbtq #nonbinary #transgender #AntiRacist #fucknazis #endwhitesupremacy #antifascist #MakeRacistsAfraidAgain #defendequality #activism #communitydefense #MutualAid #pride #Anarchist #leftist #socialist #socialism #anarchism #antifa #weprotectus #fuck12 #acab
“You have well-meaning liberals talking about #guncontrol when it’s clear we really should be talking about community #selfdefense.”
-Kelly Wright
#guncontrol #selfdefense #tdor2022 #transawarenessweek #defendequality #lgbtq #clubq
“You have well-meaning liberals talking about #guncontrol when it’s clear we really should be talking about community self-defense.” -Kelly Wright
#nonserviammedia #anarchism #selfdefense #gunrights #ghostguns #protecttransyouth #defendequality #firearms #guncontrolnow #secondamendment #sra #jbgc #lgbtq
#guncontrol #nonserviammedia #anarchism #selfdefense #gunrights #ghostguns #protecttransyouth #defendequality #firearms #guncontrolnow #secondamendment #sra #JBGC #lgbtq