And we continue our 's protection journey exploring how can help us improve our security posture 🕵🏼‍♂️ël-pothin/powe

I hope you will learn a few things reading this 😊

#powerplatform #defenderforcloudapps #governance #security #dynamics365 #dataverse #modeldrivenapps

Last updated 1 year ago

F0rm4t · @F0rm4t
31 followers · 33 posts · Server

Hunting - Office 365 Unified Audit Log

"This is a key data source in any cloud investigation because it contains a record of all the activity that has occurred in Office 365 and Azure Active Directory."

"If we use this resource correctly, it can help us build a full story of a threat actor’s activity in Office 365."

#hunting #advancedhunting #office365 #microsoft365 #sentinel #MicrosoftSentinel #casb #xdr #azure #microsoft #microsoftsecurity #audit #UAL #azureactivedirectory #exchange #onedrive #defenderforcloudapps #siem #soar #cloud #cloudsecrity #data #KQL

Last updated 2 years ago

Geekmaster 👽 · @Geekmaster
91 followers · 724 posts · Server

Also be sure to turn on these monitoring policies in so you can before they get too deep, whether you switch to or not. is also a great method to ensure if one system is compromised the attacker can't use to get to all your computers, globally. source code is still being used to get to via evolutions, after a user with privileges, to execute against to steal all the objects.

#defenderforcloudapps #catchthehacker #kerberos #networksegregation #layereddefense #smbtraversal #eternalblue #DCS #trikbot #phishing #localadmin #mimikatz #activedirectory #yesthishappened

Last updated 2 years ago