RT @nwbtcw
My first print in a very long time is dedicated to the struggle to defend the Atlanta forest, and particularly to Tortuguita, whose courage we must remember by continuing the fight no matter where we are. #StopCopCity #Defendtheforest https://twitter.com/defendATLforest/status/1641868846918148096
Cops are moving in on the #WeelauneeForest today with the intention of clearing out all forest defenders in order to start clear cutting. https://bit.ly/3ZmcXFZ
If they start doing so it’s been advised to show up at city hall at 5pm with banners, signs, and megaphones.
Almost nobody, incl the people of so-called #Atlanta, wants this facility to be built. This facility remains a huge mistake. #ACAB #DefendTheForest
#weelauneeforest #atlanta #acab #defendtheforest
Honor #Tort
"The attorneys also questioned law enforcement’s decision to charge other activists with domestic terrorism, saying it creates a dangerous precedent that could be used to silence future protesters across the country."
#stopcopcity #defendtheforest #tort
RT @LuetziBleibt
Der Schnee macht unserem Camp ein wenig zu schaffen, aber weil unsere Herzen für Klimagerechtigkeit brennen geht es noch. Und weil wir so viel Solidarität bekommen haben💚
PS: Wärme allen Verletzten!
#StopEACOP @juanpablogutier #DevuelvanLaTierra #Defendtheforest #bijikurdistan
#STOPEACOP #devuelvanlatierra #defendtheforest #bijikurdistan
Man, if only someone in #Atlanta could have warned us to #defendTheForest and #stopCopCity before this article did 🙄 /s
Thank you to the brave Atlantans who have constantly raised awareness and are currently risking so much to defend the forest and the heart of Atlanta
#atlanta #defendtheforest #stopcopcity
RT @chaospr1ncess@twitter.com
This was Cami, the victim of the police shooting yesterday. This was our friend & comrade.
When they call us extremists and justify our deaths, remember this smile. They were kind. They just wanted a better world.
#defendtheforest #stopcopcity #acab #saytheirname
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/chaospr1ncess/status/1616122378622304256
#defendtheforest #StopCopCity #acab #saytheirname
TOMORROW NIGHT -Come rock against repression at South Bend Commons (1799 Lakewood Terrace SE).
Featuring Symbiote, Sword II, and Mitaya.
The show starts at 9 PM.
The #solidarity don’t stop!
#StopCopCity #DefendtheForest #Weelaunee #Atlanta #atlevents #thingstodoinatlanta #atlantamusic
#solidarity #StopCopCity #defendtheforest #weelaunee #atlanta #atlevents #thingstodoinatlanta #atlantamusic
TOMORROW 1 PM: Holiday Cards for the Forest
Come help us spread holiday cheer by giving cards and candy to our neighbors near #Weelaunee forest. Let's give back to the local community!
We will meet at Gresham Park at 1 PM tomorrow (Fri.)
#DefendtheForest #StoptheSwap
#weelaunee #defendtheforest #stoptheswap #freetheland